Do you trust me?

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***Smut ahead***

Stiles pushed Derek back until his legs hit the bed causing him to sit. Stiles straddled Derek's lap, never breaking their kiss. The hem of Derek's shirt lifted slightly and the feel of Stiles' hands sliding up made him hum in satisfaction.

Their lips parted just long enough for Stiles to lift the shirt over Derek's head. He couldn't believe Stiles was doing this. Sure, he'd just admitted to loving Derek, but it was still sudden. He hesitated to touch Stiles. His hands remained around his waist. It seemed the safest place for them.

The werewolf was thankful when Stiles took it upon himself to remove his shirt next. Derek's fingers traced over the skin on Stiles' back with eager hesitation. He was so afraid of making the wrong move and making Stiles stop.

The hunter ground down into his lap then, causing Derek to lose any hesitation for a moment. His hands slid to Stiles' hips, gripping them tightly.

Stiles pulled back from the kiss going for Derek's neck. A low growl escaped his throat. The hunter's hips ground down in response.

In a moment of no self control, Derek gripped Stiles' waist and flipped them, so he was now hovering above Stiles. His knees between the other's legs.

He smelled the anxiety in Stiles spike which gave him pause.

"I can stop," Derek said though he really didn't want to.

Stiles only shook his head. It was the answer Derek wanted but it wasn't convincing enough for Derek to continue. He remained hesitant, though he didn't move to get off Stiles. He couldn't do this if Stiles didn't trust him, it wasn't right.

"Do you trust me?" Derek asked, his eyes staring into Stiles'.

Again, the hunter only nodded. Derek's heart dropped slightly. He wasn't using his words which meant he likely didn't trust his voice.

"I need to hear you say it," Derek wouldn't let this go any further if Stiles wasn't confident he could trust Derek.

"I-" Stiles swallowed. "I trust you."

There was no stutter in his heartbeat, but it still didn't feel right to Derek.

"But?" Derek suspected there was a but.

"No but," Stiles shook his head.

"You're nervous," Derek could smell it on him.

"Of course I'm nervous, you could kill me with slip of your hand," Stiles gave a soft laugh.

"But you trust me?" Derek still hadn't moved.

"You have to understand that everything inside me is telling me this is wrong, and I shouldn't want this...but I do," Stiles' eyes ran down Derek's body before meeting his eyes again. "And I trust you would never hurt me, besides what happens to me, happens to you," Another soft laugh.

Derek gave a small smile at that. There was no lie in Stiles' words, but the anxiety was still thick between them.

"What if you took the lead?" Derek offered finally removing himself from Stiles.

"What?" Stiles lifted onto his elbows.

"That way you can feel more in control," Derek laid back next to Stiles as he sat all the way up.

"Isn't it like against your nature to let me be in control?" Stiles quirked a curious brow.

Derek laughed, "I'm not a wild animal, Stiles, I'm still human just with an animalistic side, which I control. It doesn't control me, usually," he gave a wink.

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