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The road stretched out for miles in front of Stiles. He was currently in the driver's seat of Derek's Camaro. The two of them had checked out and hauled ass as far away as they could in hopes that the angels wouldn't show back up. Cas had stayed until they left just in case. It was barely after lunch and Stiles was already tired. They still had no leads on Gabriel and now they were heading towards Ashville North Carolina in hopes of finding a witch to help them with their angel visibility issues.

Derek sat stiffly in the seat next to Stiles. He had his laptop on his lap and was frowning down at the device as if it was telling him news he didn't want to hear.

"What's wrong?" Stiles asked after a few more moments of brooding from Derek.

"Nothing," Derek dismissed. That was a lie and they both knew it. Derek wasn't good at hiding his emotions.

Stiles let out a sigh, he was sure he knew what this was about. Back at the hotel, while they were packing their bags, Cas had gone to check the perimeter for any angel spies. Derek had tried to comfort Stiles about the angels but Stiles had pulled away refusing his touch and dismissing his concern.

"Stiles, look at me. We'll figure this out, alright? Together," Derek reached for Stiles pulling him in close.

Stiles pushed Derek back gently, "Don't," Stiles said his tone sharp and sad.

"Cas isn't here-"

"Just please," Stiles snapped, interrupting Derek.

"Stiles' we're gonna get through this," Derek offered gently. He didn't try to touch Stiles again, thankfully.

"Would you stop saying 'we'. This is my problem, not yours," Stiles barked, grabbing his bag and opening the hotel door.

The ride had been silent until this point. Stiles hadn't wanted to talk about what happened at the hotel, but he couldn't ignore the look on Derek's face. He was rarely so angry looking. Stiles didn't like it.

"Look, I'm sorry about what I said back there," Stiles huffed.

Derek looked at Stiles with a flat stare, "You know, I may not know you all that well, but I can tell when you're lying to me."

Stiles frowned. How had he known?

"You're planning on ditching me when we get to Asheville," Derek turned back to his laptop.

"What?" Stiles jerked his head towards Stiles, how did he know that?"

"I'm not stupid Stiles, I have eyes. I saw you text Garth about picking you up," Derek growled. He was clearly not happy about the prospect.

"Look, it's nothing personal it's just-"

"If you say business so help me," Derek threatened.

Stiles rolled his eyes, "Oh come on, you had to know this was coming," Stiles had already mentally started to detach himself. He knew breaking off whatever he and Derek had would suck, but it had barely started, it wasn't like they'd been dating for months or even weeks, hell they hadn't even been together a full day yet.

"How could I have known this was coming?" Derek snapped.

Stiles let out a frustrated huff. He really had hoped to wait until they got to North Carolina to have this conversation.

Stiles pulled the car over on the side of the road, near an old dirt path.

"What are you doing?" Derek frowned.

"I need air," Stiles answered throwing the car into park.

"You need to get away from me you mean," Derek muttered loud enough for Stiles to hear.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now