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Sam dropped to his younger brother's side. His knees sunk into the freshly dug up earth as he scooped the limp hunter into his arms. "Stiles."

"Uh, boys, we've got a problem," Bobby's tone spoke worriedly.

The demons that had been in a trance like state were now wide awake and angrily advancing towards them.

"Son of a bitch," Dean swore, pulling the angel blade Cas had given him from his jacket.

"We need to get Stiles out of here," Sam looked up at Dean with worried eyes. They'd never lost Stiles before. That wasn't something either of them were prepared to do.

"Cas, get him out of here. Take him to Bobby's," Dean ordered with a pleading to his tone.

"Dean-" Cas went to object but Dean cut in sharply.


"Of course, Dean," Cas nodded, taking Stiles into his arms and from Sam's.

"Dean, we can't kill all these people. Even if we could take them all on at once, there are people inside there," Sam pulled himself to his feet.

Dean's jaw clenched as he watched Cas disappear with Stiles.

"Sam, we don't have a choice," Bobby answered for Dean. The demons had surrounded them now.

"Okay, let's just get out of here alive," Dean growled as a he swung at a demon that lunged at him.

The three hunters did their best to keep their backs to each other so they couldn't be snuck up on, but the number of demons was too high. The angel blades did kill them though, which was helpful. Without them they would never survive.

Sam swung at a demon only to have his arm caught. The demon ripped the blade from his hand and swung. Sam barely managed to avoid the blade. While he was fighting against the one demon, another shoved a blade into his shoulder blade.

"Sam," Dean snarled as he threw his own blade, landing it in the demon's chest.

Sam pulled it out and used it on the first demon who was taking another swing. He turned and threw his demon blade landing it between the eyes of an incoming attacker on Dean.

The oldest Winchester pulled the blade and sliced open another one's throat.

Bobby was holding his own with his blade, but the attacks were coming faster and the hunters couldn't keep up.

Suddenly there was a bright light, which made the hunters cover their eyes. The sound of screams let them know that the demons weren't able to avoid the angelic light on time.

When Dean opened his eyes, a small blast had killed the nearest demons. Standing in the middle was Cas.

He grabbed Dean and Bobby's arm. "Sam hold on."

Sam grabbed his brother's hand and instantly they were all back at the cars.

Dean sucked in a breath as he grounded himself once again.

Bobby doubled over, holding back from puking his guts up.

Sam panted in relief. "Thanks, Cas."

The lack of answer caused Sam to look up with a frown.

"Cas?" Dean's tone called worriedly as he noticed the collapsed angel. He knelt down to try and wake him.

"I'm sorry," Cas croaked, hoarsely.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Too much power used," Cas groaned.

"Stiles, is he okay?" Sam asked then.

"He's alive, but unconscious. Derek too," Cas answered allowing Dean to help him to sit up.

"I have just enough to send one of you there," Cas lifted his fingers to Dean's head.

"Send Sam," Dean caught his wrist. "I'm not leaving you."

Cas looked to Sam who nodded.

"We're right behind you," Dean grabbed Sam's arm with a desperation that made Sam's eyes tear up. They knew this was risky, but they'd just hoped Stiles would pull through.


Sam grabbed the nearest object to steady himself. His vision was slightly blurred from being pinged for a second time.

"Stiles," Sam called but there was no answer.

He made his way towards the living room to see Derek in a heap on the floor.

"Derek," Sam rushed to the werewolf's side, but he didn't answer. Sam went to lift him when the sharp pain in his shoulder reminded him of his stab wound.

He felt the wound pull uncomfortably as he fought to get Derek to the couch at least.

"Come on, Derek," Sam checked for a pulse. It was there but it was weak. That had to mean Stiles was in a similar state. The middle Winchester made his way, still slightly dizzy, towards the stairs. He climbed them with exhausted legs.

"Stiles," his voice was quiet and sad at the sight of his brother stone still and bloody. It made Sam nauseous.

"Stiles, please," He begged, dropping onto the bed next to him. His fingers brushed back a strand of hair. Blood covered his lips. His skin was more pale than normal and his breathing was shallow.

"You did it, Sti, you did it," Sam whispered, pressing his lips to his brother's hair.

Sam didn't even realize he was crying until he felt the sting of salt water land in a cut on his left cheek. He couldn't lose his youngest brother. Losing Dean had been hard enough. He couldn't lose anymore family. It wasn't fair.


"Cas you with me?" Dean asked, glancing at the angel slumped in his passengers side seat.

"I'm fine," Cas answered. "Just weak. I've been cut off from heaven, so my grace doesn't replenish as fast."

"Thank you," Dean spoke sincerely.

"Of course, Dean," Cas mumbled in return.

"You're gonna be okay right? I can't lose you, Cas. I can't lose Stiles either. I definitely can't lose both of you," Dean gripped the steering wheel harshly, as if holding onto it was his only saving grace.

"I will be fine. Stiles on the other hand is dying," Cas coughed.

"Fuck," Dean swore, his hands gripping even tighter now.

"He may pull through. You have to have faith. I could feel his body trying to heal itself. It's just a matter of if Derek's healing can heal him faster than Gabriel's grace can kill him."

Dean bit down on his bottom lip to keep from crying. Instead he pressed the gas pedal harder. He needed to get home. Now.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now