Coffee and beef jerky

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Dean slid into the front seat of the impala, tossing a bag of beef jerky towards Stiles who was currently in the passenger's side.

"Coffee and beef jerky, breakfast of champions," Dean winked as he gently handed over the cup holder. Seated inside were four coffees.

"Did you get Sam's stuff?" Stiles asked taking one of the coffee's out to get started on it.

"Yeah, yeah," Dean rolled his eyes before heading back down the road.

"So do you really think we're dealing with the devil's work here, or do you think this is a regular demon case?"

Dean shook his head slightly, "I dunno. For someone who's supposed to be ending the world he's been awfully quiet."

"Too quiet," Stiles agreed.

"I just think there should be more happening, ya know?"

"Maybe he's limited because he doesn't have Sam. I mean Sam is his perfect vessel and Cas said a regular person couldn't hold an archangel."

"You think it's that easy?" Dean quirked a brow at his youngest brother. Stiles had always been the smartest of the three in a logical sense. Sure, Sam went to Stanford, but Stiles could hunt circles around Sam. Not to say that Sam wasn't a damn good hunter, but Stiles just had all the best parts. Dean was beginning to wonder if the angel grace he had had something to do with it.

"Easy? No. Nothing about this is easy, but it buys us some time at least. I just wish we knew what he was up to."

That gave Dean an idea, one his brothers couldn't know about.

Stiles and Dean walked into their motel room to see Derek and Sam still sifting through their research. There was no tension in the air. Stiles was relieved to find that Sam was accepting Derek fairly easily. Dean on the other hand liked to pretend he didn't exist. Which was better than the alternative.

"Breakfast has arrived," Dean tossed the bag of beef jerky on the table while Stiles passed out the coffees.

"Really Dean, coffee and beef jerky?" Sam raised a judgmental brow at his older brother.

"And a BC powder," Dean held up the tiny box of headache medicine.

This earned an eyeroll from Sam.

"Don't worry, I got you your rabbit food," Dean gestured to the second bag.

Sam pulled out an apple and a vanilla yogurt. Sam smiled at Dean. Even without asking Dean got Sam something he'd like. Dean never failed to take care of his brothers.

"Anything on the local cattle mutilations?" Stiles asked, opening a bag of jerky.

"Yeah, we did some reading and it appears the deaths around here have been by a wolf," Derek gestured to his computer screen.

"But get this, the wolf hasn't actually been seen by anyone," Sam added.

"Hellhounds," Stiles nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, each victim had something pretty good going for 'em," Sam nodded.

"The first vic was a thirty-two-year-old real estate agent with a fancy house on a lake. She was in debt up to her ears ten years ago. The second was a forty-year-old guy married to a model. They met ten years ago," Derek read off the victims list.

"But this last one kind of stumped us. He's barely twenty-one and had nothing. Now either there really is a wolf and the other two are just coincidence or this demon has broken pattern," Sam piped in again before taking a bite of his apple.

"Or he didn't ask for the typical favor," Stiles spoke thoughtfully. "We should talk to the vic's family, see if they can give us some insight."

"Good idea, why don't you guys do that. I'm gonna investigate the area, see if I can find the crossroads this demon was summoned at and make sure it's shut down. Pretty sure I saw one about a mile down the road," Dean nodded, grabbing his coffee and a bag of beef jerky.

"Someone should stay here, look into the whereabouts of the archangel blade until we hear from Cas," Sam suggested.

"Stiles, you take the impala. Call us when you find out what's going on," Dean tossed the car keys to his youngest brother before heading out.

Stiles caught them and gave Sam a curious look to which Sam only shrugged. Dean was so on edge lately there was no telling what he was thinking.


Dean waited impatiently for the demon to show up. He'd done everything perfectly.

"Dean Winchester, aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

Dean turned to see the demon he'd spoken to before, Crowley.

"How'd you know I wanted to speak with you?" Dean frowned. He hadn't expected Crowley to show up.

"I'm king of the crossroads, all calls go through me. Consider me dispatch if you will," Crowley gave a dramatic flourish of his hand.

"Right, look, I need information," Dean huffed, glancing around as if his brothers might walk up to find him chit chatting with a demon.

"And I need a vacation, we can't all get what we want."

"I thought you wanted the devil locked back up," Dean snapped.

"And yet he still roams," Crowley snapped back.

"You didn't give me much to work with," Dean threw a hand up in frustration. He was wasting his time.

"You're a bloody Winchester, figure it out," Crowley's voice was rising.

Dean took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, "I need to know where he is."

"Do you have a way to lock him back up?"

"Look, all you need to know is we've got a plan, I just need to know where he is," Dean huffed. He had no patience for demons. He shouldn't even be here.

"I know where he's going," Crowley conceded after a moment, as if he wasn't sure he wanted to tell.

"Going? Where is he going?"

"He's going to be in Missouri. He's arranging things to summon the final horseman, Death."

"Death? Like The death?" Dean blinked at the demon in front of him.

"He has to perform a summoning ritual."

"Why Missouri?"

"Do I look like google to you? How the hell am I supposed to know. You wanted a location; I gave you a bloody location. I don't know when he'll be there, just keep an eye out for demonic omens, there'll be plenty."

With that Crowley was gone.

Dean huffed, raking his hands through his hair. They were on borrowed time and they still didn't have the weapon needed to kill Lucifer. This was going swimmingly.


"So the kid traded his life for his little sister?" Sam frowned at Stiles.

"Yeah, she was really sick, and the doctors gave her less than three months to live. Andrew found out about the demon and made the deal," Stiles nodded.

"Well at least we know the demon didn't break pattern," Sam let out a sigh. Anytime a demon deal happened where one family member traded their life for another's it hit Sam hard. Their dad had done it to save Dean and then Dean had done it to save him.

At that moment Dean walked in. He looked tired, like the weight of the world was sitting on his shoulders. In a way, it kind of was. It was sitting on all their shoulders though, but Dean tried to bear the weight alone, as if he could.

"Find the demon?" Sam asked meeting his brother's exhausted eyes.

Dean shook his head, "Nope, all clear."

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