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By the time Dean, Cas and Bobby got back to Soux falls, Dean was a wreck. He'd called Sam no less than four times. Cas had slept most of the way which unnerved the hunter, as angels didn't need sleep.

"I'll get him, go see your brother," Bobby ordered taking over where Dean was helping Cas out of the car.

Dean nodded before rushing off towards the house.

He saw Derek on the couch unmoving. The sight only upset Dean because he knew that Stiles was in the same state.

"Sam," Dean yelled. No answer.

Dread filled Dean as he ran up the stairs two at a time.

"Sammy," Dean called again.

"Dean?" Sam's voice asked groggily.

Dean stepped into Stiles' room to see Sam in a chair, his arms on the bed. A red mark on his forehead said he'd fallen asleep.

"You alright?" Dean asked scanning his middle brother before landing on his youngest.

"My back might need some stitching, but I'm fine," Sam said wincing as he sat up.

"Your back?" Dean walked around to see the tear in his shirt.

"I got stabbed during the fight."

"I'll get the med kit. How's he?" Dean gestured to the bed.

"Nothings changed. I can't tell if he's getting better or worse. I haven't checked on Derek, I assume he's still out too?" Sam asked with a sigh. He looked tired.

"Yeah," Dean clenched his jaw. He so badly wanted to break down and beg for Stiles to pull through, but he had to be strong for Sam.

Dean went to fetch the med kit then, not saying anything more.

"How's Stiles?" Bobby asked stopping him in the hall.

Dean just gestured behind him towards the room his brothers were in.

Bobby nodded, stepping by him. "Cas is in your room resting by the way. He doesn't look so good."

Dean's eyes shot down the hall towards his room. This was getting to be too much. Waiting for Stiles and Cas to be okay.

"He gettin' any better?" Bobby asked Sam as he looked down at Stiles.

"I don't know. He's not moved since I got here," Sam shrugged. He gave Bobby a worried look.

"He'll pull through, he's strong," Bobby assured Sam, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder.

Tears pricked Bobby's eyes at the state of Stiles laying almost lifeless. He had been a mess when they lost Dean, but Stiles...Stiles was special to him. It was no secret he and Bobby had always been closest, and this wasn't something Bobby had ever wanted to endure. Losing Stiles would be hard on everyone.

Dean walked in then with the med kit and gestured towards the bathroom.

Bobby took the opportunity to sit next to Stiles. He took his hand and sucked in a deep breath.

"You listen to me, boy, if you can hear me...you better pull through. I can't...don't make me lose you. I went along with this cause it was the right thing to do...but losing you...it ain't alright. It shouldn't have to be this way. You're young. You should have a chance to live your life," Bobby's lip quivered as he spoke. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have let this happen to you. I....I..." He trailed off, gripping Stiles' hand tighter.

"How's Cas?" Sam asked, as he pulled off his shirt.

"He slept most of the way here. I've never seen him quite like this. Not even when the angels got the jump on him," Dean shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Dean," Sam looked at his brother with apologetic eyes.

"Don't say that like he's dead. He'll be fine, so will Stiles," Dean snapped.

"What if he's not? What if Derek's healing isn't enough?" Sam's voice waivered with tears at the thought.

"Sam, stop," Dean snapped. He was barely holding it together and this wasn't helping.

Sam fell silent and remained that way as Dean stitched his back.


"I'm gonna go through the lore books, see if I can find something that'll help heal him," Bobby stood when Sam and Dean came out of the bathroom.

If the brothers noticed the tears in Bobby's eyes, they didn't mention them.

"Dean..." Sam sighed once Bobby was out of the room.

"Don't Sam," Dean snapped.

"Can you stop acting like this doesn't bother you?" Sam snapped back. "I know what you're going through. He's my brother too, Dean."

Dean's jaw clenched. He was not in the mood to do this right now.

"Why are you acting like this?"

"Sam, I need you to stop. Now," Dean's tone was lower than normal.

"No, you're acting like this is an everyday thing. This isn't just anyone, Dean, it's Stiles," Sam gestured towards the bed.

"You don't think I know that? I'm doing everything I can to keep it together. Stiles is the one person that has never left me. You left. Dad left. Stiles is the only one I've ever had that I could rely on. He never even considered leaving me and now...now he's laying there dying, and I can't do a damn thing about it. I don't even know if hell would make a deal with me again. The only reason I haven't tried is because of what me leaving did to Stiles before. I never considered how that might affect you two. All I knew was that I couldn't lose you and I had. We both had. I broke what Stiles and I had by making that deal. I know that now. I don't regret it for a second, but I feel responsible. And right now I don't know what to do," Tears pulled at Dean's eyes, but he fought to keep them from falling.

Sam frowned, but didn't say anything, allowing Dean to continue.

"I want to try, so damn bad, but I know it's not fair for me to do it to you again. I don't know what to do, I don't. And now Cas..." Dean dropped his head, fighting harder to hold back the tears.

"I've never felt for someone the way I do for him and he's...I don't know if he's gonna be okay. I'm not strong enough to lose him and Stiles. And then there's you..." A single tears slid from Dean's eyes making it's way down his cheek.

"Me?" Sam asked in confusion.

"I don't wanna lose you either."

"I'm not going anywhere, Dean," Sam stepped forward, debating on if he should reach out to his brother or if it would just cause him to close up. Dean was rarely so open.

Dean's head snapped up, "You left, remember? Couldn't wait to get to Stanford."

"How many times are you gonna throw that in my face?" Sam huffed, throwing up his hands.

"How do I know you won't leave again?" Dean snapped; another tear fell from his eyes.

Sam's expression softened. "Dean, I'm not going anywhere, I promise. That ship sailed long ago. This is my life. Saving people, hunting things, the family business."

The tears continued down Dean's cheeks now, in a steady stream.

"I don't know what to do," Dean was still fighting to keep his tone even, but the tears wouldn't allow it.

Sam pulled Dean into a tight hug as a few tears fell from his own eyes. "I don't know either, Dean."

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now