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Derek sat anxiously beside Stiles' bed, waiting for him to wake. Once he'd dealt with the shifters, he got Stiles to the nearest hospital. He managed to come up with an elaborate lie that would send the cops on a wild goose chase for a mystery man who drained their enemies of blood. It wasn't good as far as lies went, but usually his victims didn't heal. Stiles had, but he'd also lost too much blood.

Derek had managed to clean himself up a bit when they had kicked him out of the room. He'd tried to clean up some on the way to the hospital, just to arise the least amount of suspicion.

Stiles on the other hand, looked like hell. He was pale, and he had dark circles under his eyes. It was hard to see Stiles like this. Derek gripped the hunter's hand tighter in his, willing him to wake up. The doctor said he'd be okay, but Derek still felt the nervous jitter in his spine. He'd fell better once Stiles was awake.

Stiles' phone rang then.

It was Dean.

Every day Dean called to check in and update Stiles on their progress for finding a way to unlink them and also shove Lucifer back in the cage.

Derek had debated calling Sam and Dean after the doctors took Stiles back, but he didn't have the guts. He knew Dean would be furious and he would want to see Stiles. It was too much of a risk. He would die if Stiles' did, he was sure of it, and he felt okay, other than a little weak, so he opted to leave his brothers out of this for now. If Stiles wanted to tell them later, he could.

"Derek?" Stiles' voice spoke in a groggy, unsure tone.

"Stiles," Derek sighed out in relief.

"Where am-am I in the hospital?" Stiles went to sit up but stopped upon noticing his surroundings.

"Yeah," Derek released Stiles' hand then.

Stiles looked at the werewolf with a look Derek couldn't decipher. Confusion? Uncertainty? Disdain?

The youngest Winchester then reached for his stomach remembering the pipe that had been pierced through Derek, "You got us out," Stiles said in a tone that let Derek know he was surprised and relieved.

"Barely," Derek honestly wasn't sure how he'd managed to pull it off. It was all kind of a haze and he had been trying not to pass out.

"Why am I here?" Stiles sat up now.

"You lost a lot of blood, I was worried you..." Derek trailed off, he didn't need to say how worried he was for Stiles, besides Stiles wouldn't care.

"Did you call my brothers?" Stiles asked, a new worry laced in his tone.

Derek's eyes dropped to his lap, "No." He expected Stiles to be mad about that.

"Thank you," Stiles said instead.

Derek looked up, "I didn't want to worry them. I assumed you'd be alright since I was, but I felt how weak you were and worried my healing wouldn't be enough," Derek spoke quietly.

Stiles almost reached for Derek but stopped. He'd thought for a moment that maybe Derek wasn't the monster he thought him to be, but then he remembered, what happened to one, happened to the other. Derek was only trying to save his own ass.

"Mr. Maynard, we just have a couple questions for you and your husband," An officer spoke stepping into the room then.

Stiles eyes rose as he glanced at Derek.

Derek was careful to avoid Stiles eyes, "I already told you everything I know," Derek growled.

"I know but-"

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now