He seem off to you, lately?

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Stiles pressed his fingers to his temples trying to push the voices away. It was happening more frequently, ever since Dean was raised from hell by...whatever pulled him out. The day Dean had shown up was the same day that he heard the voices for the first time. 'Dean Winchester is Saved' It had been like someone screaming in his head in a voice so loud he thought his ears would bleed, though they never did. The voices were usually hard to decipher as it sounded like fifty of them talking all at once, on a frequency Stiles was sure only dogs were supposed to hear.

When Dean had shown up in his and Sam's hotel, Stiles had panicked. The last time one of the Winchesters was psychic, they found out Sam had demon blood and that resulted in the start of what was now the apocalypse.

A loud knock sounded on the bathroom door Stiles was currently hiding in.

"Shake it off, zip up, let's go," Dean's voice said impatiently.

"Coming," Stiles responded as he turned the water on. He threw the cold water in his face, hoping it would help. He'd barely slept lately cause when he did, he had insane dreams, and he was pretty sure at least two of them had to do with Sam being possessed by the devil himself, that wasn't exactly something that comforted Stiles.

"You okay?" Sam asked when Stiles finally emerged from the tiny hotel bathroom.

"I'm fine," Stiles nodded, putting on a fake half smile. He refused to tell his brothers about the dreams and voices. It took several weeks for Dean to even consider trusting Sam again after his dreams and headaches resulted in the release of Lucifer. Stiles had been more understanding. It had been a rough time for all of them, Sam especially, finding out he was the reason their mother had died when Stiles was just a baby. On Sam's second birthday to be exact. All because a demon wanted to feed Sam his blood. Dean had been nothing but accusing since he found out, but it wasn't Sam's fault. Either way Stiles wasn't about to risk telling Sam and Dean. They'd just gotten back to being brothers again, no way was he throwing that away. He could keep the secret, besides who was it hurting?

Dean grabbed Sam's arm, stopping him from following Stiles out of the room, "He seem off to you lately?" Dead asked frowning after their little brother.

"Not really, no," Sam shook his head. He really hadn't noticed anything.

"Last night, I woke up at three, Stiles wasn't in bed. I stayed up for a while, he was gone for two and a half hours. He's was already awake when we got up, and he's wearing the same clothes as he was when he got back in this morning. I don't think he went back to bed. Something's up," Dean said looking towards the door Stiles had left through.

"Maybe you're just looking for something cause of what happened with me," Sam sighed. He couldn't pretend Dean wasn't still a bit distrusting of Sam, who's to say that didn't extend to Stiles now.

"Don't do that Sam, we got passed that," Dean shook his head, "I'm just not gonna do to him what I did with you. I'm not gonna turn a blind eye, you needed me, and I let you down. I'm not doing that with him. If something is up, I want to know, and I want to help," Dean said sternly.

"Then let's talk to him," Sam suggested as if it would be that easy. Stiles had the brains of Sam and the stubbornness of Dean, if he didn't want to talk, he wouldn't.

Just a small taste. Let me know what you think!

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