The boy with angel grace

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Dean pulled back the hammer on his gun fighting to glance over his shoulder at the door he was positive Sam had locked behind him., or whatever he was, just appeared in the middle of their room out of nowhere.

"Perhaps we should speak somewhere more private," Castiel spoke calmly, unfazed by the fact that Dean's gun was now cocked and loaded.

Suddenly the three brothers found themselves standing in what looked to be an old barn.

"What the hell?" Dean swore blinking.

"We're in an abandoned farm just outside of town, it's safer to speak here," Castiel spoke taking a simple step towards Dean.

"Don't come any closer you demon," Dean snapped. He assumed this clown was working with the devil.

"I am no demon, Dean," Castiel shook his head with an amused look on his face.

"You just voodoo'd us twenty miles from our hotel room, you're not human," Dean snapped, his gun, still held up and ready.

"You are correct," Castiel nodded.

"So what are you?" Sam asked then his gun also still aimed at the strange man.

"An angel of the Lord," Castiel answered as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Sam's gun lowered slightly.

"Angel?" Stiles spoke up finally.

"Don't tell me you two actually believe this asshat," Dean scoffed at his two younger brothers. They had always had more faith than him. He, on the other hand, had never believed in a higher power, not with all the bad things he'd been forced to endure.

"You doubt me, Dean," Castiel tilted his head.

"How do you know my name?" Dean demanded. This guy was a little too chummy for Dean's liking.

"I know you very well Dean, after all I am the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition," Castiel glanced at the shoulder where the handprint was.

Dean faltered slightly. No, this guy was lying.

"Bullshit," Dean growled, but his voice was unsteady.

"This is your problem, Dean, you have no faith," Castiel said taking a step towards Dean.

Dean would have shot the guy in any normal circumstance, but he'd been wanting to know who pulled him from hell since he climbed out of the that field almost five weeks back. And while he doubted this guy was truly an angel, if he knew something, Dean wanted to know it too.

Suddenly lightening flashed, revealing a shadow of two large wings protruding from Castiel's back. They easily filled the barn they were in.

Dean's breath hitched and his eyes widened.

"You're the voice I've been hearing?" Stiles asked suddenly stepping towards Castiel.

"Voice?" Dean demanded, turning to look at his brother.

"I am one of them, yes," Castiel nodded.

"You've been hearing voices?" Dean barked. He was pissed, that much was clear.

"Angel's voices to be exact," Castiel nodded.

"You care to explain?" Dean demanded from Stiles.

"The day you showed up at our hotel room, I heard a voice in my head. It said,"

"Dean Winchester is saved," Castiel and Stiles said at the same time.

"It was the first time, I got the headache. I've been having them ever since, but I could never decipher what was being said," Stiles shrugged.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now