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Stiles' back pressed against the motel door as Derek crowded against him their mouths entangled in a heated kiss. The past few days had been tiring and stressful. It took a while to hunt down the witch and then convincing her to help them had been no easy task. Once they made proper arrangements, Stiles made a decision that would warrant them trouble neither had seen coming. Apparently, the witch had backup so when Stiles attacked another witch showed up. Thankfully Cas had answered Stiles' prayer quickly and took care of the second witch. However, that's when the angels showed. Cas promptly relocated Stiles and Derek outside of the house with a demand that they leave.

Stiles wanted to stay and help the angel, but they didn't know the first thing about how to fight angels and they were outnumbered two to one. When Stiles and Derek got Stiles new phone, the first thing Stiles did was call Dean. He'd ignored his call earlier that morning, but he knew not responding for an entire day would piss off his older brother, or worse, cause him to worry.

Much to Stiles' relief Cas was only mildly hurt and would heal with rest. Derek suggested they get a motel to recoup. They had been in the motel ten seconds when Derek pinned Stiles to the door. It was a desperate kiss, one that said 'I was worried and I'm relieved you're okay."

"No more reckless plans, please," Derek panted pulling back from the Winchester.

"Agreed," Stiles nodded. There had been a moment when he had been sure Derek had broken several ribs, but when Stiles checked, Derek insisted he was fine.

"Are you sure you're not hurt?" Stiles asked then, his eyes scanning Derek as if he'd find an injury he'd missed before.

"I'm fine," Derek said running his thumb along Stiles' jaw, "How's your shoulder?" Derek asked his own eyes falling to where a large gash had been.

"All healed up, thanks to Cas," Stiles said, shrugging for emphasis.

"Dean is going to kill me, isn't he?" Derek asked stepping back a bit. The oldest Winchester had been pissed on the phone.

"Nah, he's mad at me, he knows I do what I want," Stiles shook his head with a laugh.

"I do wish you'd told me you were planning on killing her," Derek sighed. It had been a shock to him when Stiles had pulled his gun and shot the witch. Derek had expected her to walk it off but, apparently, they were witch killing bullets. Derek didn't even know those were a thing. A Winchester creation evidently.

"I was afraid you'd have stopped me," Stiles dropped his eyes shamefully.

"I would have tried, but you have a way of persuading me," Derek lifted Stiles' chin, "I never thought about how stressful dating a hunter would be."

"Second guessing it?" Stiles asked jokingly, however Derek heard the nerves underlying his tone.

"Never," Derek pressed in for another kiss. Stiles went to deepen it but Derek pulled back, "Are you going to tell your brother's about us?" That hadn't even occurred to Derek before. The idea made him a bit uncomfortable to think about.

"Eventually, maybe after the newness fades out a bit, I'd hate for them to accuse us of not knowing what we're doing. Plus, I think Dean needs to get to know you better. He's not the most trusting type," Stiles laughed.

"I gathered that much. You think he'll ever trust me?" Derek didn't know Dean, but he knew of Dean and the stories weren't all pleasant.

"Once he's confident in the fact that you're not some monster out for his brother," Stiles pressed a chaste kiss to Derek's cheek before stepping by.

Derek tensed. He often forgot that Stiles would probably kill him instantly if he ever found out what he was. It made Derek's chest hurt to think that Stiles would look at him differently.

"Don't worry, I'll convince him," Stiles said when Derek didn't respond, "He's more inclined to believe me as I have the same views as he does, Sam on the other hand..." Stiles sighed.

"Do you trust Sam?" Derek asked, turning to face the younger hunter. Maybe he could tell Sam first and get him to help tell Stiles and Dean.

"Trust he wouldn't lie to me? Yes. Trust his judgement, not so much," Stiles shrugged.

"Didn't he lie to you about the demon blood?" Derek frowned, recalling the story of Ruby.

"He more lied to Dean, they tried to keep me in the dark about that one as much as possible," Stiles shifted, glancing down at the checkered carpet.

Derek let the conversation drop. He didn't really want to talk about this anymore. He felt too guilty. He'd just have to show Stiles that he wasn't a monster, even if his DNA said otherwise.

At that moment, Derek felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He took it out to see a text from Cas. Stiles had taught the angel how to text, instead of calling for simple things. Looked like he picked it up quickly.

Derek read the text and froze.

"Derek, you should tell Stiles what you are. It's better he finds out sooner than later."

Derek swallowed thickly as he glanced over where Stiles was getting clothes together for a shower. He looked back at his phone when another text came through.

"Your secret is safe with me."

Derek replayed the memory of Cas healing Stiles at the witch's house.

"Here Stiles, allow me," Cas pressed two fingers to Stiles' head and the gash on his shoulder disappeared.

"Thanks Cas," Stiles smiled at the angel.

"Derek," Cas turned then placing a hand on Derek's arm.

"I'm fine," Derek said pulling away quickly, but not before Cas gave him a strange look.

Cas must have sensed his body healing itself. The angels had appeared then, before Cas could say anything.

"Grabbing a quick shower, will you order a pizza?" Stiles asked, distracting Derek from his thoughts.

"Sure," Derek nodded, putting on a fake smile.

Stiles pressed a quick kiss to Derek's cheek before disappearing into the bathroom.

Derek stared down at the phone, guilt coursing through his tense muscles. He didn't know how much longer he could deal with this feeling.

Short one for ya, but things are about to get interesting.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now