That look

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The cool air stung Dean's cheeks, but it was welcomed. He'd been stuck in the car with Sam and Bobby all day running a lead a few towns over. However, they had come up short once again and were now back at Bobby's. Dean's anger had gotten the best of him when Stiles didn't answer his phone, sending him and Sam into a fight.

Dean didn't like that Stiles was alone with Derek. He wanted Derek dead and Stiles back with him and Sam. The middle Winchester, however, insisted Stiles could handle himself.

Dean was now leaned against the hood of the old red mustang he visited so often in the junk yard. It helped calm him down some. Being around cars was some what of a comfort for him. Bobby had taught him many things during their visits. John had taught Dean his fair share as well. Always harping on him that taking care of the impala was important. That's all Dean's life was, was taking care of things his father should have. Sam, Stiles, the impala, finding the yellow eyed demon. Dean was tired. He'd found the yellow eyed demon and killed him. The impala was in mint condition. Sam and Stiles was old enough to take care of themselves, yet Dean felt no relief. He still stressed the well being of the impala. He still felt responsible for Sam and Stiles and now they were face to face with the apocalypse. He had thought that after the yellow eyed demon was killed, he'd have some relief. He was wrong. The weight of the world still weighed on his shoulders. Some nights that weight was heavier than others. Tonight was one of those nights.

"Dean," Cas' deep tone slurred.

"Cas?" Dean perked up at the angel's voice.

Cas stepped forward with a faltering step. His jacket was sat crookedly on his shoulders and his tie barely tied. His eyes were glossed in a way Dean recognized.

"Dude, what happened to you?" Concern thudded in Dean's chest.

"I found a liquor store," Cas answered leaning against the wall of bobby's garage.


"And I drank it."

Dean's brows rose as he stepped forward to help steady the angel, "Let's get you inside."

Cas allowed Dean to help him into Bobby's living room where they met Sam.

"Dean, look, I'm sorry, I-Whoa Cas, what happened to you?" Sam frowned at the sight of the haggard angel in his brothers grasp.

"I went on a bender," Cas answered.

"A bender." Sam raised his brows and looked at his brother, then back to Cas, "Are you Okay?"

Cas stumbled forward, leaning in to Sam before whispering much too loudly, "Don't ask stupid questions."

"Okay, come on," Dean pulled Cas towards the couch.

Cas slumped onto the furniture and lulled his head back.

"What happened, man?" Dean asked taking a cautious seat next to the angel.

"I received a message from Joshua, he told me that our Father has left and wishes not to be found. He said that I should stop searching for Him," Cas slurred with a toss of his hands.

Dean's jaw clenched slightly, "He knew what it was like to get that exact message. He remembered the phone call from John telling him the same thing. No reason, no promises of meeting up in the future, just stop looking for me.

"I'm sorry, Cas." Dean didn't know what else to say. How do you comfort an angel?

"It's not your fault, Dean," Cas frowned at the hunter with a new concern in his eyes.

Dean let out a chuckle. Cas took things too literally sometimes. It was one of the things Dean found endearing about the angel.

Sam slipped out of the room, leaving the pair alone.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now