I fell for you

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Stiles held a finger to his lips before gesturing towards the door. His gun was up and cocked. Derek's gun was also at the ready as they neared the werewolf's house. Derek had caught wind of a werewolf in the area and insisted he and Stiles make a quick stop to take care of it.

They had spent the day gathering information only to be led to the house of the werewolf. It was almost dark, but the full moon wasn't for another two days.

Stiles reached for the door, but Derek grabbed his hand stopping him. A frown embedded between his brows.

Stiles gave him a quizzical look.

At that moment the front door opened, and Stiles and Derek found themselves being sucked into the house.

Stiles landed harshly against the stair rail.

"Very good, Victor, you led them right here," A woman with a thick British accent smiled. Her blonde hair in a messy bun on her head. Her dress was long and a deep shade of green. She looked far to dressed up for a Tuesday night.

Derek pointed his gun and shot Victor in the back of the head before he could flee.

"Oh, you're a good shot," The woman said with a slight raise of her brows, "I rather liked him." She looked down at the now dead werewolf.

"Who are you?" Stiles demanded.

"I'm Nadia, I was a close friend of Olivette, surely you remember her," The woman smiled as if she were wanting to be civil.

"Witch," Derek sneered.

"Yes, very good," Nadia gave a slight curtsey.

"You lured us here?" Stiles asked looking down at Victor.

"I needed something to lure you two in, and what better way than with a murderous werewolf?" Nadia smiled proudly.

Stiles swallowed nervously. They hadn't loaded their guns with witch killing bullets, they were simple silver bullets. They hadn't been expecting to run into a witch.

"Now, why don't we talk about what you did to Olivette, oh and Clea for that matter."

"We killed them, nothing more to say," Stiles wore an expression of stone, but Derek could smell his fear.

Nadia's smile turned sour. "You think you're so invincible because you're a Winchester. So many are terrified of you three, but I know better. Sam is sympathetic, all you have to do is shed a tear or two and he'll let you go, and you, the youngest, you're nothing without your brothers. Overlooked."

Stiles knew she was baiting him, but it still pissed him off.

"Dean's the real threat, he's the one everyone is truly scared of, but I know all about Dean. The broken son, he's just a scared little boy trying to live up to a dead beat dad's expectations," Nadia wasn't letting up and Derek could smell Stiles' anger.

"Stiles, she's just trying to rile you up," Derek was afraid Stiles would do something stupid.

"And you, I knew a werewolf would pull you in, that's your achilles heel," Nadia turned her sneer to Derek.

Derek tensed. Did she know what he was?

"You two are too easy to bait. All I had to do was put a little bounty on your head and tada, delivered like a silver platter. But you move quickly, so I knew I needed something to bring you to me. Stiles doesn't have a favorite species to hunt so I had learn about you, Derek Hale. It took some digging and I didn't learn much, but here we are, and I'm going to enjoy every minute of this."

"You know my brother's will come for you," Stiles was hoping it would scare the witch, but he wasn't so lucky.

"Let them," She taunted.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now