Too afraid

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Stiles should have known this day was going to go to shit. It started off good, too good. He woke up to breakfast in bed. Derek had gone for an early morning run and broughtback Stiles' favorite diner breakfast, waffles with extra bacon. The two had established a low profile relationship after their shared kiss at the mini golf course. Now he was listening to Sam vent about Dean. He hated being the mediator between his brothers.

"She hadn't hurt anyone, Stiles, she was good," Sam huffed into the phone. He was telling Stiles about the vamp they'd run into the night before.

"Look, I know you want to think that she was good, but Sam, there's no such thing as a good monster, they always mess up, you know that. No matter how good their intentions are," Stiles sighed, he knew Sam didn't want to hear that, but it was the one thing that he and his dad had never argued about. A monster was a monster, period.

Derek who was sitting at the table with his laptop, tensed at Stiles' words. He hadn't told Stiles his secret yet and hearing him tell Sam that there was no such thing as a good monster made him want to even less.

He'd spent half the night trying to decide how he could tell Stiles. He was too afraid though, too afraid of his reaction, too afraid to lose him. Besides the two had decided to try and make a relationship work between them, he wasn't ready togive that up yet. He would just have to keep his secret until absolutely necessary.

When Stiles hung up with his brother he turned to the other hunter, "Sam and Dean ran into a vegetarian vamp last night, she was draining cows. Dean took her head off andSam's frustrated about it," Stiles explained briefly.

"Oh?" Derek feigned ignorance. He'd heard the entire conversation, but Stiles couldn't know that.

"Sam's got this bleeding heart thing going on, he wants to see the good in everyone, even when there is none,"Stiles sighed. That was Sam's biggest downfall.

"You truly believe there is no such thing as a good monster?" Derek asked glancing over at Stiles.

"Yeah, I do," Stiles nodded, there was no hesitation, no considering the possibility that maybe there could be.

Derek fought to keep his face expressionless.

"You don't?" Stiles asked with a tilt of his head.

"I think you're DNA doesn't make you a monster, I think your actions do," Derek answered simply.

Stiles snorted, but before he could respond, there was a loud whooshing that sounded like bird wings from behind Stiles.

"Cas, how many times do I have to say-" Stiles cut himself off as he turned to see three men that were not Castiel.

"Stiles Winchester," The older man with graying hair stepped forward.

"Who the hell are you? Stiles demanded pulling out his gun. Derek was at his side in seconds with his own gun.

"Oh, put those toys down, they can't harm me," The man waved a hand, causing the guns to be ripped from their grasp and thrown aside.

"What the hell?" Stiles swore going for his switchblade. However, he'd not placed it in his boot yet. He was weaponless.

"Now, let's chat," The man gave a smile that made Stiles' skin crawl, "I'm Zachariah."

"Is that supposed to mean somethingto me?" Stiles spat.

"You mean Castiel didn't mention me?I'm offended," Zachariah gave an exaggerated gasp.

"You're an angel," Stiles said in realization, his eyes going wide slightly, "You want Sam and Dean."

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now