I want

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"Stiles," Cas took a cautious step towards the youngest Winchester.

Stiles didn't look away from the man at the end of his barrel. He gripped the gun so tight his knuckles were white.

"Stiles," Cas spoke again taking another step.

"He's one of them," Stiles' voice broke. His mouth still pulled into a sneer.

Stiles didn't notice the lack of surprise on Cas' face as he refused to look away from Derek.

"Stiles, put the gun down, you don't want to hurt him," Cas took another step. He carefully reached for Stiles' gun.

Stiles' face pulled into pained grimace as if he were trying to convince himself he did want to hurt Derek, "Doesn't matter, we're linked," He didn't fight when Cas pried the gun from his grasp.

"Linked?" Cas frowned.

Stiles pulled out a spare pocket knife and sliced his hand.

Derek hissed at the unexpected sting.

Cas' brows rose.

"But don't worry Cas, it heals," Stiles sneered, again. His eyes dark as he stared Derek down.

"I'm sure Derek has a good explanation," Cas offered gently.

"Can you undo it?" Stiles asked finally looking away from Derek. His cheeks were stained with tears he'd been unable to stop.

Cas put a hand on Stiles shoulder and closed his eyes, "This was done by a powerful witch, only an equally powerful witch can undo it," Cas spoke glancing at the dead Nadia on the floor.

"Son of a bitch," Stiles snapped punching a nearby picture frame.

Derek flinched as the skin on his own knuckles split.

"You're definitely Dean's brother," Cas commented with a fond smirk.

"Speaking of, he's gonna kill me," Stiles looked up at the ceiling with a huff before looking at Derek, "He's gonna kill you," Stiles ran his hands over his face, "He only has to kill one of us to do it, two birds one stone."

"Stiles, I'm sure Dean won't kill either of you," Cas could only say that knowing they were linked. Dean would never hurt Stiles and so long as Derek was linked to Stiles, he was safe.

"What took you so long to get here?" Stiles snapped at Cas.

"You didn't finish your prayer, I couldn't locate you, I called but you didn't answer. I had to use your GPS. It took me a minute," Cas growled. He didn't appreciate Stiles' attitude.

"Were you with Dean?" Stiles asked his tone full of worry.

Cas' own tone softened. He had been with Dean. And with Sam and Bobby. He was supposed to let them know everything was okay as soon as possible, "I was," Cas nodded.

"Are you going to tell him?" Stiles was acting like a child that was desperate to keep something from his father.

"I promised not to keep anything from him regarding you again. He was upset that I knew of your plans with the witch," Cas felt bad for Stiles, but he also knew how Dean would feel if he found out Cas kept something like this from him.

"He's gonna be pissed," Stiles ran his hands over his face again.

"I'll go and you never have to see me again," Derek spoke for the first time. His tone was quiet and sad.

"No, you're not going anywhere," Stiles snapped turning to face the other hunter, "We're getting this curse lifted and as soon as we do, I'm putting a blade through you."

Derek swallowed hard, before closing his eyes, trying desperately to hold back the obvious tears in his eyes.

"Stiles," Cas sighed. He couldn't mean that.

"Don't," Stiles snapped at Cas.

"If that's what's you truly want," Derek's voice was shaky and tearful.

"What I truly want is for this to be a really bad nightmare," Stiles shouted, throwing his hands up, "I want what we had to be real. I want you to be genuine. I want you to not be a monster, that's what I want."

"Stiles, what we had was real. I am genuine. And I'm not the monster you think I am," Derek's tone was pleading.

"You're a werewolf, Derek," Stiles spat his name.

"It's more complicated than that," Derek took a step towards Stiles.

The Winchester stepped back, not wanting Derek to be anywhere near him.

Derek stopped, a new flash of pain in his eyes, "Please let me explain."

"Why should I?" Stiles barked. Derek didn't deserve anything from him.

"Because what you feel for me is real, you can hate me and deny it, but I know it was real," Derek raised his voice slightly.

"Were you two..." Cas paused looking between the hunters.

"I made a mistake," Stiles sneered once again.

"Stiles, please don't say that," Derek begged. It hurt him to hear Stiles talk like that. He had grown to really care for the hunter and he knew Stiles had cared for him too, "I wanted to tell you. I was just afraid of this," Derek gestured between them.

"What were you going to do? Keep it from me forever?" Stiles demanded.

"Of course not, I just wanted you to see me for who I was first. You're not as understanding as Sam and-"

"Oh, god," Stiles took a step back grasping for the wall to support himself. He'd fallen for a monster, he had kissed him and trusted him. He'd become his brother. Dean would never trust him again.

"I've become Sam. Dean's gonna hate me," Stiles' chest tightened. He was suddenly short of breath.

"Stiles, Dean isn't going to hate you," Cas put a comforting hand on Stiles' arm.

At that moment Cas' phone rang, "That's going to be Dean," The angel fished the phone from his jacket.

Stiles looked up with wide eyes. This was it, the moment he'd lose his oldest brother.

Hope I didn't torture you too long. Hope you like it!

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now