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 Dean sat on the edge of one of Bobby's old junk cars. An old seventy-nine Ford Mustang. It was probably mint in its prime, but now was worn with rust and caked in mud. The once bright red paint was chipped and faded. Dean couldn't help but think of how the old car resembled him in a way. He felt worn by the many unkind years and was caked in the guilt of his mistakes. His hunter green eyes were clouded with the sight of too much trauma. Yeah, he resonated with the old Junker quiet well. He let his eyes slide over the many other long forgotten cars and trucks in the lot. How many of them carried memories of families, loss, love, disasters and miracles? Yet now they sat long forgotten and unwanted, picked apart for their few working parts. How long until he became just as unimportant and forgotten?

It was late afternoon and the sun would be setting soon. Sam was helping Bobby inside. They thought they had a lead on the colt. It turned out to be a false lead. Dean had needed to step out for a moment. He was tired of coming up empty handed. They hadn't had a win in a while and it was starting to wear on him. He'd called Stiles only to be met with a voicemail. He would have worried but Stiles made sure to send him a text letting him know he was alive. He missed his youngest brother. He'd never gone so long without him, not since he spent the summer with Bobby, but that was years ago. It had been a little over a week and Dean was growing anxious, being away from Stiles for so long felt wrong. Knowing Stiles was riding shotgun with a random hunter felt even more wrong, but there was nothing he could do about it. Cas checked in with Stiles regularly, which shouldn't have comforted Dean as much as it did.

Dean found himself wondering where Cas was at that moment. He'd enjoyed talking with the angel the other night about his troubles, and Cas listened patiently.

"Uh, hey Cas, I don't know if you're listening, but I just wanted to say that...I hope you're having some luck on the whole God quest thing. I know I just saw you a day or two ago, but...yeah, I hope you're doing okay," Dean spoke aloud. It felt silly talking to thin air. Who knew if Cas even heard him. Cas had told him if he ever needed him just to send up a prayer. This was the first time Dean had tested that out.

The silliness immediately dissipated when the familiar whoosh of angel wings sounded from beside Dean followed by the deep voice of Castiel, "Hello Dean."

"Hiya, Cas," Dean smiled fondly at the angel.

"I appreciate your prayer," Castiel said, though he wore a confused expression.

"Just wanted you to know you weren't forgotten about," Dean said, glancing across the lot of abandoned cars once again.

"Or perhaps, you were feeling a bit lonely," Castiel offered gently.

Dean looked at him with a raised brow.

"You forget Dean, I know you," Castiel gave a small smile.

Normally Dean would have waved off the accusation but he knew Cas wasn't going to tease him or make him feel any less of a man for it. That just wasn't how Cas operated. Not that Sam or Stiles ever made him feel that way, but he didn't like to be vulnerable around his brothers. He was supposed to be the strong one, the unbreakable soldier, and he was. But Cas knew better and that comforted Dean. Having someone who truly knew him was refreshing.

"You look a bit frazzled," Dean noted the way Cas stood stiffly. That wouldn't normally be a red flag to Dean, but lately it seemed like Cas was more relaxed around him, like he didn't have to be on guard.

"I'm fine, Dean," Castiel said looking around as if to spot Sam or Bobby.

"Right," Dean could tell something was off, he just wasn't sure what.

"Do you think I'm a monster, Dean?" Castiel asked then, turning to face the human.

"I'm sorry, what?" Dean blinked at the angel.

"I'm not human. Do you think I'm a monster?" Castiel asked again. His blue eyes were ice and his stance was cold and tense.

"No, of course not. You're an angel, I'm pretty sure that would be blasphemy," Dean snorted. He didn't know where this was coming from.

"You're no stranger to blasphemy," Castiel commented. There was no teasing grin, but there were also no accusing undertones. He was simply stating the facts.

"Right, well you don't really qualify," Dean chuckled.

"What qualifies?" Castiel asked with a tilt of his head.

"Fangs, claws, the thirst for blood or human hearts, what's with the twenty questions Cas?" Dean frowned at the angel. Something must have been on his mind.

"I only wonder how long it will take for me to become useless to you. And when the day comes will I be categorized with the monsters you slay," Castiel looked at Dean now, his eyes so piercing they sent shivers down Dean's spine.

"What? No. Where is this coming from?" Dean didn't like the way Cas was talking, that wasn't like him. Not the Castiel he knew.

The angel didn't respond, instead he looked up towards where the sun was starting to set behind the trees in the distance.

"Wait, did heaven say something to you?" Dean asked. Castiel only looked up at the sky when he was thinking of heaven. It was a small thing Dean had picked up on.

"I'm afraid I may have been out of line," Castiel admitted turning back to face Dean.

"Out of line?" Dean didn't like the sound of that.

"I have rebelled, but Raphael has offered me redemption in exchange for telling them where you are," Castiel answered.

Suddenly Dean felt betrayed and worried. Before he could respond Cas was talking again.

"I turned him down of course, but I've been thinking," Castiel was looking at the setting sun again, "What happens to me once this is all over? I won't be allowed in heaven any longer. Will I be as useless as these cars? Used up for their purpose and left behind?"

Dean's stomach twisted. He knew that feeling all too well. But Cas shouldn't feel that way.

"You've helped us in ways I can't ever repay you, you're our friend, Cas. We would never cast you aside or lump you in with monsters," Dean spoke sincerely, he'd turned to face Cas completely.

"You truly mean that," Castiel said. It wasn't posed as a question but Dean answered anyway.

"Of course. And like I say I can't ever repay you for what you've done for us so far, but we're always here for you man, if you ever need anything," Dean put a hand on Cas' shoulder.

The angel seemed to relax under his touch, his shoulders less rigid. He turned his now soft blue eyes to the hunter, "Thank you, Dean."

Dean couldn't help but smile. Cas wasn't expendable, he was never going to be, not so long as Dean was around.

Here you go, hope you like it! Let me know what you think!

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now