A walk

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Stiles took the strange liquid just as Derek had instructed. Three drops under the tongue for thirty seconds then swallow. As Stiles and his brothers followed their next case he took the liquid once a day and it really helped. When the voices hit, they were much more tolerable and less pitchy. He owed Derek big time.

It was later in the day and Dean was in the shower while Sam was out fetching dinner. Stiles had decided to call Bobby. He had a favor to ask the guy.

"Stiles," Bobby's voice answered gruffly, but cheerfully. Stiles and Bobby had always been close. Bobby had allowed Stiles to be a kid. There was also the summer when Stiles and John had a huge falling out and Stiles stayed with Bobby. Stiles had been content to stay with the older man, but John demanded he get back on the road with him and his brothers. That had been the last time they had seen Bobby, until John went missing a few years back. He'd gladly taken the boys in and helped them in any way he needed.

"Hey, Bobby," Stiles smiled at the familiar voice, "I have an odd question for you."


"I was wondering if you could give me Derek Hale's number," Stiles waited, unsure of how Bobby would react. He was sure there would be questions.

"Sure thing, kid, give me five minutes to finish up what I'm doing and I'll text it to you," Bobby agreed without hesitation.

"Thanks Bobby," Stiles grinned.

"He told me what you did for him, with that Djinn case," Bobby added then.

"Oh, yeah it was nothing."

"He didn't seem to think so, you saved his hide as he tells it, says you're one of the best hunters he's ever seen. That's a huge compliment coming from Hale. He's not a very trusting fellow, and he definitely prefers to work alone," Bobby objected.

"Yeah, he mentioned that, wonder why he decided to let me help," Stiles wondered aloud.

"Why don't you ask him when you talk to him," Bobby suggested.

"Yeah, I will."

"What'd you want to talk to him for anyway?" Bobby asked, much to Stiles dismay.

"He, uh, gave me some advice, it ended up being pretty solid advice, just wanted to thank him," Stiles lied.

"Alright, well I'm almost done here, so I'll send it over in a minute." Bobby didn't pry, thankfully.

"Thanks, Bobby," Stiles said before hanging up.

At that moment Dean stepped out of the bathroom, "Who were you talking to?" Dean asked looking at the phone in Stiles' hands.

"Just seeing how Bobby's doing," Stiles lied.

Dean nodded, "You two always were close."

Stiles nodded in agreement but didn't say anything else. He didn't want Dean asking questions, and he definitely would.

A few minutes later Stiles got a text from Bobby with a number.

Stiles saved the number and shoved the phone in his pocket, "Gonna go for a short walk, text me when Sam gets back."

"You alright?" Dean asked as Stiles reached the motel door.

"Yeah, just getting tired of seeing motel walls," Stiles shrugged.

Dean didn't object as Stiles left.

He pulled out his phone and called the number he'd gotten from Bobby.

"Yeah?" A voice answered.

"Derek, hey, it's Stiles."

"Winchester," Derek's voice in a pleased tone, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

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