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Stiles stared down at the syringe of blue essence in his hand. His mind reeling from the information Gabriel had given them. He had a way to stop the apocalypse.

"I don't like this, Stiles," Derek sighed from behind the human.

"I know, but Gabriel was right, we didn't even have a full-fledged plan before. Now we have something that will definitely work," Stiles turned to face Derek.

The werewolf nodded, "Then we should tell your brothers."

Stiles' eyes dropped back to the syringe. He'd hoped to find a way to sever the spell that linked them before telling his brother's they'd found Gabriel. Letting Derek go would no doubt piss off Dean, but Stiles couldn't let Dean kill Derek.

"I wish we didn't have to," Stiles spoke quietly.

Derek took a few steps forward, touching Stiles shoulders gently. "Listen to me, this is too important to keep from them. My life isn't worth letting Lucifer roam earth longer than necessary."

Stiles smiled up at Derek sadly. Despite his DNA he really wasn't a monster. No monster would be that selfless.

"I'll get our things packed and you call Dean," Derek suggested, releasing Stiles.


Dean hung up with Stiles with a large grin on his face. His brother would be back with them before he knew it, they had a plan for stopping the apocalypse, sort of and Cas was sticking around. Over all things seemed to be looking up.

"Hey, Dean, so get this, according to this, the horsemen are controlled by lucifer by their rings. I think the rings have something to do with it. Maybe if we get the rings, we can control Lucifer?" Sam was frowning down at one of Bobby's old books. He looked up to see Dean was in an oddly good mood.

"What's got you so happy?" Sam asked, setting the book down.

"I just got off the phone with Stiles. They found Gabriel," Dean grinned widely.

"Really? That's great news," Sam lit up.

"Yeah, they're gonna head this way, they should be here tomorrow sometime, he said. I think things are finally starting to go our way, Sammy," Dean pat his brother's arm as he stepped by.


Stiles' head fell into his hands as he dropped his phone.

"You didn't tell him about the archangel grace or the blade," Derek frowned as he looked over at Stiles. He felt bad for the human. He'd heard how excited Dean had been when Stiles told him he was coming home. But he knew Stiles was nervous about it.

"When he finds out I'm gonna have to be the one to kill Lucifer, he's not going to be too happy. I'll tell him when I see him. It'll be easier to have Sam and Bobby on my side as well," Stiles looked up to meet Derek's eyes.

"You really think Sam and Bobby will be on your side?" Derek wasn't sure they would be okay with Stiles putting himself in danger.

"They won't like it, but they'll agree it's what needs to be done," Stiles shrugged.

Derek nodded taking a seat on the bed next to Stiles. That's how he felt. He wished there was some other way for this to go. Someone else who could wield the sword.

"Hey, I'll be fine. You heard Gabriel, I just have to be able to find the sword and get close enough to use it," Stiles put a hand on Derek's forearm.

"I don't know, it seems too easy," Derek shook his head.

"Easy?" Stiles laughed, "what part of finding this random blade and getting close enough to Lucifer is easy?"

"I guess you're right, I just expected it to be more complicated."

A silence fell over the pair. Stiles' hand still on Derek's arm.

After a moment, Stiles looked over at the other hunter, "Are you scared?"

"To be staying with your brothers? Not really. They can't kill me until the spell is broken," Derek smiled at Stiles.

"But when it is broken..." Stiles trailed off.

"Do you think Dean will come around?" Derek asked; his eyes staring into Stiles' intently.

"I don't know," Stiles' eyes dropped away from Derek. He didn't want to give Derek false hope, but he knew Dean and how stubborn he was.

"You did."

Stiles gave a small snort, "Yeah but Dean's not in love with you."

Derek froze. "What?"

Stiles' eyes widened at what he'd just said. "What?"

Derek didn't move or say a word for fear of scaring Stiles off.

The Winchester looked like a deer in headlights.

Neither looked away from the other.

"I uh," Stiles hadn't even admitted to himself that was what he was feeling. Was it really love?

"Do you really?" Derek dared ask when Stiles didn't offer anything more. He had to know.

"I-I-I..."Stiles stood up and began to pace the room, his hands sliding through his hair anxiously.

Derek's jaw clenched. Stiles was panicking. He heard it in his heartbeat.

"I don't know. I mean...I can't love you, you're a-" He scrubbed a hand over his face. "And I'm a-" his hand flailed around in front of him. "Dean would kill me. I'm not supposed to love you, but you're so kind and caring and selfless and amazing and hot and it's not fair, alright? It's not, cause like, let's see Dean hunt with you for weeks on end and not fall for you. I mean it's not fair that he expects me not to fall for you, how could I not? You're incredible and amazing and I was scared and angry before but I still cared about you despite not wanting to and so of course the next step would be falling in love with you. How did I not see this coming?"

Derek fought to fight back a fond smile that tugged at his lips as he watch stiles pace the tiny room, his hands gesturing wildly as he rambled so quickly Derek barely kept up.

"Stiles," Derek stood, reaching for the human.

Stiles stopped and looked at Derek, his eyes wide.

"I understand we can't be together, but knowing that you feel the way I do, it makes this so much easier to endure," Derek thumb gently caressed Stiles' cheek.

Instead of responding, Stile surged forward, his mouth landing on Derek's hard.

It started off gentle, but it didn't take long for the kiss to heat up. Stiles' lips parted, allowing Derek's tongue to press against his own.

Derek's arms snaked around Stiles, pulling the human in closer. He felt Stiles' hand slide into his hair, and he let out a satisfied growl. He'd been dying to touch Stiles like this since the other hunter found out what he really was. It was so much better knowing Stiles loved him too. All he had to do now was convince Dean he wasn't the monster they'd thought him to be. He imagined it would be harder than convincing Stiles had been.

Hope you like it, let me know!!😊😊

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