Three hours ago

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Stiles and Derek sat in silence, the only noise the soft purr of the Camaro's engine. They'd been on the road maybe ten minutes. Stiles knew Derek had questions, he could practically feel the uncertainty from the hunter next to him.

"I'm sorry to drag you into this," Stiles said finally. He'd been trying to find a way to explain the situations, but there just wasn't a subtle way to tell someone angels were hunting his brothers so they could jumpstart the apocalypse.

"I'm not even sure what you've dragged me into," Derek pointed out gently.

"You know about Lucifer getting out of his cage, right?" Stiles asked.

"When the biggest, baddest demon there is gets loose, hunters are notified," Derek snorted slightly.

"Right, well here's the thing..." Stiles paused unsure of how to tell this guy he barely knew, that his own brothers are the reason he's out.

"I know that Sam and Dean are the reason for it," Derek said when Stiles didn't continue.

"You do?" Stiles frowned.

"It's common knowledge too. There are plenty of hunters who blame Sam, but majority understand they were manipulated," Derek nodded, his tone sympathetic.

"Okay, well new information has recently come to light," Stiles sighed.

"I'm guessing that's where the angels come in?" Derek asked with a raised brow, tossing a glance at the youngest Winchester.

"Yeah, that's still..." Stiles shook his head. He hadn't quite wrapped his head around that one yet.

"Trenchcoat back there, he one?" Derek asked.

"Yeah, Castiel," Stiles nodded.

"How'd you come across him?" Derek pressed when Stiles didn't offer any more information.

"He just...appeared in our room like three hours ago. Apparently he pulled my brother out of hell," Stiles explained shaking his head again.

"Oh, so that's how he got out, I know a lot of people were speculating, but no one really knew," Derek nodded.

"We didn't find out until about three hours ago," Stiles chuckled, "You should have seen Dean trying to figure it out, he went to every psychic he knew and then some. He was obsessed. It really drove him insane not knowing," Stiles glanced down at his phone. He wondered if it would be safe to call.

"So why were the angels coming a bad thing back there?" Derek asked noticing Stiles nervously fingering his phone in his hand.

"Another new development in the whole apocalypse scene, Sam and Dean are the vessel's of Lucifer and Michael," Stiles sighed. Saying this stuff out loud made him feel crazy.

"I'm sorry, vessel?" Derek rose a brow at Stiles.

"Yeah, apparently Angels need permission to take a human body otherwise, they can't walk the earth. Lucifer and Michael need vessels to fight to the death, evidently," Stiles ran a hand over his face.

"Okay so who was after them just now? Michael or Lucifer? Wait isn't Lucifer a demon? Demon's don't need permission to possess someone," Derek cocked a head curiously at Stiles.

"Lucifer isn't a demon, he's a fallen angel," Stiles explained, recalling Castiel's voice in his head, and the many accounts in the bible where Lucifer was mentioned as an angel. He wasn't sure why he hadn't considered that before.

"As far as who was after us just now, well that could have been any angel, as apparently heaven has decided to jumpstart the apocalypse, God has taken a vacation and they're butt hurt about it," Stiles shrugged. He didn't understand it any more than Derek clearly didn't.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now