You'll find out soon enough

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Stiles swiped his hands over his jeans wiping the blood off. He looked like he'd just butchered a cow with how much blood was on him. But it wasn't a cow just a simple vampire. Which a quick slice to the neck with a machete would have been more than sufficient however Stiles wasn't satisfied. He had grabbed the vampire from behind with a rope doused in dead man's blood. He proceeded to tie him to the nearby wood pillar before stabbing each leg with a syringe of dead man's blood. He then took a thin wire with two wooden handles and slowly pressed it to the vampire's throat, demanding information on the rest of the nest.

It hadn't taken long for Stiles to get bored of his game of torture and slowly embed the wire into the vampires throat with enough force to take his head off.

Derek had taken care of the other three vamps upon their arrival, opting for the machete option.

When Stiles grabbed his untouched machete, Derek opened his mouth to say something, but thought better of it. He knew this was Stiles' way of dealing with Derek being a werewolf. He was a violent hunter when he was pent up. He'd learned that in the first week of hunting with the Winchester.

Derek wasn't oblivious to the fact that he would probably go out in a similar fashion when he and Stiles were unlinked.

The two walked silently to the Camaro when Derek spoke up anyway, "Does it make you feel better?" Derek's tone was harsher than he'd intended.

Stiles shot Derek a glare but said nothing. Not that that was a surprise, he barely spoke to Derek over the past three days.

"If you're trying to make a point, I got it," Derek spoke again as they climbed into the car.

"Look, I can't exactly do that to you, so I'm doing it to them," Stiles snapped. He wasn't in the mood to talk about this.

"Is that really how you're going to do it?" Derek asked, his tone suddenly softer and vulnerable.

Stiles swallowed. He'd not actually imagined how he'd kill Derek, he just knew it was something he had to do, like it or not. He knew he'd never be able to fully treat Derek like he would any other monster. Not knowing what it was like to be held by him, to be kissed by him, to worry if he was okay. But he'd never let Derek know that.

"You'll find out soon enough, won't you?" Stiles said simply, before putting in his headphones. He'd barely taken them out the past few days. It was easier to ignore Derek when they were in.

Derek's chest tightened at Stiles' words. He'd been trying to show Stiles that he was still the same guy he'd been all along, but Stiles wasn't interested.


The next day they found themselves up against a pair of shifters, however they hadn't realized there were two and now found themselves tied up in a sewer that ran under Missoula, Montana.

Stiles was furious. They had knocked Derek unconscious with some chemical, which thankfully left Stiles awake. But now he was in some cage like an animal while Derek lay unconscious in another.

"Damn it, Derek, wake up," Stiles swore, but the wolf made no move to wake.

The sound of screeching metal caused Stiles to cover his ears. He looked over to see the bars of Derek's cage being opened by one of the shifters who now looked exactly like Stiles.

"Hmm, how would it feel to watch yourself kill your little boyfriend, huh?" The shifter sneered as he yanked Derek up by his hair, "You'll find out soon enough."

This seemed to wake Derek, but before he could make a move on the shifter, the creature had a blade in his side.

Stiles cried out at the sudden pain.

This caused the second shifter to perk up, "Oh, that's a neat trick," He smirked, grabbing Derek's hands behind his back harshly.

"How fun," The one that looked like Stiles grinned maliciously before pulling the knife out.

"It healed," The second shifter sneered at the wound as it disappeared from Derek's side, "What are you?"

"He's a werewolf," Stiles growled.

"Then that means he only heals if the object is removed," Not Stiles grinned in a way that made Stiles' stomach churn.

He grabbed a nearby pipe and jabbed it through Derek's middle like he was skewering a tomato.

Stiles let out a loud cry as the flesh ripped open.

"No," Derek coughed. Blood spurted from his lips as he fell to his hands and knees.

Stiles had thought he knew pain, but this, this was unlike anything he'd ever felt before and he was sure this was the end of him. He saw the way Derek reached for him, like there was something he could do to save Stiles.

"Please," Derek begged in between raspy coughs, "Let him go."

"Not a chance, lover boy," The second shifter now looked like Derek.

"He hates you, did you know that?" The first shifter whispered in Derek's ear, loud enough for Stiles to hear.

"Which is ironic, because you love him," The second shifter laughed. It was in that moment Stiles remembered that shifters adopted your thoughts as well as your appearance.

Stiles was shocked to hear that Derek loved him, even after everything. Why?

"Too bad you're not strong enough to save him," Not Stiles taunted the werewolf.

Stiles' head started to swim, his vision blurring in and out of focus.

"No," Derek growled before forcing himself up.

Stiles couldn't be sure if it was the blood loss, but he was sure he saw Derek's eyes turn red before grabbing the first shifter.

Stiles tried to focus his eyes more, but the black swallowed his vision before he got the chance.

Bit of a stressful chapter for you, don't worry I won't make you wait long.😁

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now