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When Sam and Dean finally arrived at Bobby's the older man looked tired.

"You boys alright?" Bobby asked placing a hand on each of the brother's shoulders.

"Yeah, we're okay," Sam nodded.

"And Stiles?" Bobby asked his tone dripping with concern for the younger Winchester. Sam and Dean knew that Stiles held a special place in Bobby's heart, but they were okay with that. John had never really been a father to Stiles, to any of them really, but especially Stiles. He'd been too young when their mother was taken from them. By then John had a relationship with Dean and had grown attached to Sam. But Stiles was a soldier, never anything more.

"He's with Derek Hale," Sam answered when Dean clenched his jaw.

"I'm guessing that wasn't a mutual agreement," Bobby sighed, looking at Dean. Dean was always protective, but ever since Gordon Walker, Dean wasn't trusting of any hunters.

"Can he be trusted?" Dean asked, a pleading in his tone that said he couldn't take any more bad news.

"He ain't never done nothing that I know of. Keeps to himself mostly. He'll call with a question every once in a while. Taught himself most everything he knows," Bobby shrugged.

"How'd he get into hunting?" Sam asked.

"Werewolves killed his family," Bobby answered vaguely, "Ran into him once back Beaufort about a year ago. Don't remember much 'cept he was a pretty man. Too pretty to be cutting off heads of vamps, but he was damn good at it. You know normally I try and sway the younger ones towards a normal life, but Hale. He wouldn't hear it. Said he lost everything and everyone. We parted ways after we cleared out the nest together. Exchanged numbers, hadn't seen him since, but like I said he'll call every once in a while. And I'll send him a case if I know he's close. I wouldn't worry about Stiles, Dean. He's a good hunter and he's smart," Bobby tried to put Dean's mind at ease, but the oldest Winchester was rarely ever at ease, especially when he was separated from one of his brothers.

Sam and Dean followed Bobby inside. Dean recalled the many times he and his brothers had been dropped off here when John need to go on a hunt. That was before the boys were old enough to hunt. Dean had always struggled with the memory of his father before their mother died. He'd been fun and loving and gentle with Dean and Sam. Stiles had only been three months, so he didn't remember his father with Stiles much. Dean had looked up to his dad, strived to make his dad proud. It hadn't been hard, but once the fire took Mary, everything changed. He became impossible to please. When they'd stayed with Bobby for the first time, Dean had stood at attention anytime Bobby addressed him. He remembered that being the first fight between his dad and Bobby. He didn't intend to cause a problem. Bobby had quickly told him to stop standing around like a soldier waiting for orders and go play in the back with Sam. Stiles was only one at the time.

Bobby's house was the only place Dean had known freedom. Once he got older he stopped staying with Bobby, instead joining his father on hunts. Soon after Sam joined them, leaving Stiles alone with Bobby. Dean and Bobby had never been super close, mostly because Dean felt like Bobby tried too hard to replace John, of course that had been a long time ago. Now he knew he was trying to be the soft parent they needed. Course if you ever told anyone who know Bobby, that he had been gentle and kind, they'd think you were possessed. Bobby was a gruff sort of man, one who'd seen too many bad things and done worse. But he treated Sam, Dean and Stiles like his own.

Dean could see the stress of his worry for Stiles in the tightness of the older man's shoulders. He always worried for Stiles the most, and right now with the knowledge of angels and Stiles being god knows where without the protection of his brothers, it had Bobby on edge.

"How long before you get him back?" Bobby asked as refilling a glass of scotch. He'd already had a few after getting the call from Sam.

"As soon as he's able to find this Gabriel," Sam shrugged.

"I don't like it," Bobby shook his head with a deep frown.

"I don't either, Bobby," Dean agreed.

"We don't have much of a choice," Sam sighed. He was always the more level headed of the three brothers. Asked questions first, shoot second. That was part of the reason he and John argued so much. Dean was definitely a shoot first ask questions later type. Stiles tended to shoot and not bother with the questions at all. But Stiles could get away with that, cause he knew what he was doing. That's what made him such a good hunter.

Sam decided maybe now would be a good time to remind his brother and Bobby of that, "Stiles is smart, smarter than me. And he was always a better hunter than either of us," Sam gestured between himself and Dean, "He's gonna be fine," Sam assured the pair.

Bobby nodded taking another gulp of scotch. Dean only looked away. Sam knew nothing would relax Dean, not until Stiles was safely back with them, but it didn't stop him from trying.

Here you are! Sorry it took so long!

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now