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A pang of guilt washed over Stiles at Derek's words. It hurt to hear Derek talk like that. He kept his face stone though, he couldn't let Derek know how much it hurt. He refused. He was angry that was all Derek was allowed to see, was his anger.

"We have to know what?" Dean narrowed his eyes at Stiles.

The youngest Winchester closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Derek is a werewolf."

Derek braced for their reactions.

Sam and Dean both stood with confused looks. Bobby was the one to speak up first, "Excuse me?"

"He lied to me," Stiles added, tossing a glare at Derek.

Once it finally clicked in Dean's brain what had been said, he had his gun out and pointed at Derek's head in seconds.

"Dean," Cas stepped in front of the barrel with a determination to not let Dean pull that trigger.

Stiles' eyes widened in fear.

"Their linked remember, what happens to one happens to the other. If you kill Derek..." Cas trailed off.

Dean's eyes darkened but he lowered his gun. He would never do anything to hurt Stiles, not like that.

"Can you unlink them?" Sam asked looking at Cas.

"The spell is too strong, only an equally powerful witch can undo it," Cas answered stepping out from in front of Derek.

"Why the hell do you hunt then, boy?" Bobby asked Derek harshly.

"I'm not your typical werewolf," Derek said looking over at Stiles, "See silver doesn't affect me," He pulled his sliver knife out to prove his point.

"What the hell kind of werewolf doesn't react to silver?" Bobby looked at Sam as if he might know. He was the smart one after all.

"I can also shift anytime I want," Derek added, "And I don't eat human hearts."

"Wouldn't that make you a skinwalker?" Bobby frowned.

"Skinwalkers eat human hearts, and they react to silver," Sam shook his head.

"I'm what's known as a half-breed," Derek explained, "The original werewolves."

"The sworn protectors of humanity," Cas piped in then with a nod, "The wolves and humans turned on each other and a group of wolves made it their life mission to kill all humans. As punishment they were cursed. God decided they needed the heart of man and made it so they would be cursed with the craving of human hearts and so they could not live without humans. Silver would be toxic to them and the full moon was the only time they could shift, and they didn't have a choice. The wolves that lived in hiding and stayed clear of man were given the ability to control their shift and blend with their fellow man. The only thing toxic to a half-breed is wolfsbane." Cas quoted the lore like he's done it a thousand times.

"How did we not know this was a thing?" Sam frowned looking at Derek.

"We live in secret, hunters are dangerous. We don't do anything that draws attention," Derek explained, "We're not monsters."

Stiles scoffed.

"Like hell you aren't," Dean snapped, "You're a werewolf, half-breed or not, you're a monster."

"Dean," Sam sighed.

"Oh come on Sam, are you seriously gonna take his side on this?" Dean threw his hands up.

"That still don't answer my question, why do you hunt?" Bobby crossed his arms over his chest.

"A pack of werewolves, the cursed as we call them, found out about my family and tried to force us to be like them, they were jealous," Derek shuddered at a memory, his hands gripping into fists by his side.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now