A bullet

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Sam's eyes were locked on the book splayed out on the table in front of him. His jaw was clenched as he listened to Dean talk.

"And you got all this from some demon?" Bobby asked the oldest Winchester with a skeptical look.

"I know it sounds crazy, but it's the only lead we've got," Dean put a hand up, hoping Sam and Bobby would focus on the point and not the fact that Dean had met up with a demon.

Bobby shook his head, "You boys are gonna be the death of me. I'll go see what I can find on these horsemen of yours." He grabbed the bottle of scotch he kept on his desk and headed for his library.

Dean's attention now turned to his brother who had remained silent.

"You're unbelievable. You know that, Dean?" Sam looked up at his brother with angry eyes.

"Look, I know it was a risk, but we didn't have anything else to go on," Dean threw his hands up in exasperation.

"You went alone," Sam slammed his hands down on the table before standing to his feet, "If I pulled something like that, you'd have my ass."

"Well given your track record, I'd have reason to," Dean snapped.

That did nothing to calm Sam down.

"You could have taken someone with you, but instead you snuck out of the house," Sam gestured towards the door.

"They'd have detected Cas a mile away. I agreed to go alone and I couldn't risk losing the only lead we've had in weeks," Dean spoke defensively.

"So take me or Bobby," Sam's voice was rising.

"Bobby would have just tried to talk me out of it. And I thought it best to keep you away from the demons. You kind of have a weakness for them," Dean's tone matched Sam's.

"How long are you gonna keep throwing that in my face, Dean?" Sam was full on shouting now.

"I'm not trying to throw it in your face, but I don't trust you, not fully. And between you and Stiles, I can't keep up," Dean threw his hands up once again.

"Don't throw Stiles in with me, he didn't do anything wrong. He fell for the wrong person, that's not his fault," Sam's tone was low now, almost threatening.

"You're right, at least Stiles knows when to put a bullet in someone," Dean snapped, his eyes glaring into Sam's.

"You ever think maybe he's only doing that because of you?" Sam was tired of Dean acting like their father.

"What are you talking about?" Dean huffed.

"I'm talking about Stiles putting a bullet in Derek. You really think he wants to?" Sam once again gestured to the door as if Stiles was on the other side.

"It's the right thing to do," Dean growled out. He was sick of Sam defending the monsters.

"Is it? Making Stiles kill someone he cared about just because his DNA is different, is the right thing?"

Dean's jaw clenched. He didn't like it when Sam phrased it that way.

"What if you found out Cassie was a werewolf? What if dad told you you had to put a bullet in her?"

Dean's shoulder's stiffened at the mention of Cassie. She'd been a reporter he dated for several months prior to pulling Sam back into hunting. It had been serious enough that Dean told her the truth about what he did, but she didn't believe him, and they broke up. She'd contacted him less than a year ago to help investigate the death of her father caused by the supernatural. Dean had loved Cassie unlike anyone else, but he knew from watching Sam lose Jess that a hunter wasn't meant to have an apple pie life.

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