A coward

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Dean swore as Castiel appeared in the backseat of the impala.

"Damn it, you can't just appear like that without warning," Dean snapped at the angel.

"Why not?" Castiel asked with a tilt of his head.

"Cause it's...not natural," Dean huffed earning a chuckle from his brother in the passenger side, "Nevermind. How's Stiles?" Dean asked.

"He is fine," Castiel nodded, "He gave me phone numbers so that I may reach any of you," Castiel held up the cell phone he'd been using previously.

"You know how to use one of those?" Dean snorted.

"I have been watching humanity for millennia, Dean, I can work a simple cell phone," Castiel snapped.

"Dean, struggles with his all the time," Sam chuckled.

"They got complicated," Dean huffed defensively.

"Even if I didn't know how, Jimmy does and I am able to tap into his knowledge of mundane things," Castiel explained tucking the phone back into his coat pocket.

"Jimmy?" Sam asked before Dean could.

"My vessel, Jimmy Novak."

"Is he like awake in there? How does that work?" Dean frowned in the rearview.

"It's like he's taking a long nap. He is safe and won't remember a thing when I am gone," Castiel explained simply.

"Hey, Cas, you said you don't agree with what they are doing, what took you so long to come to us?" Sam asked suddenly.

Castiel gave a slight frown, "I was watching Dean, I saw the struggles you three have faced, I saw the pain you all suffered, the confusion you were feeling. I had orders, even after I found out. Angels are warriors, soldiers, they must listen to those in command, no questions asked. I found myself asking questions, disagreeing with the choices made. I had a choice, follow blindly, or help you. I could not help my brothers and sisters carry out this plan. It felt wrong," Castiel spoke as if he were admitting to his parents that he'd snuck out of the house.

"You made the right choice," Sam smiled reassuringly at the angel.

"I am sorry it took me so long to come to you, Dean. I wanted to much sooner. I knew you were looking for me. I was a coward," Castiel looked into the rearview so his eyes met Dean's.

"You're not a coward Cas. I had a soldier lifestyle myself, I know how much courage it takes to act out against strict orders," Dean said with a serious look on his face.

"Yet, you still do not trust me," Castiel said with a slight narrow of his eyes.

"I'm cautious," Dean disagreed.

"Your brothers have much more faith than you do," Castiel said, glancing at Sam.

"Until a few hours ago, I didn't believe angels existed, but now we have two on our asses wanting to use Sam and I as personal condoms. Oh and also my youngest brother is part angel, cause that makes sense," Dean scoffed.

"Stiles is not part angel, just like Sam was not a demon. The demon blood Sam had in him, made his soul susceptible to becoming a demon with enough blood ingested. Same thing with Stiles," Castiel explained.

"Had?" Sam turned to Castiel with a confused expression.

"When you and Dean were put on the plane and you were cured of your addiction, you were also cleansed of the demon blood," Castiel explained.

"How? Who put us on that plane?" Dean demanded.

"I believe it to have been my father," Castiel gave a small smile.

"God?" Sam asked with raised brows.

"Yes, I plan to find him, maybe he will return to heaven and stop all this," Castiel nodded.

"Try New Mexico, I hear he's on a tortilla," Dean smirked.

Castiel frowned, tilting his head, "No, he's not on any flatbread,"

Sam chuckled while Dean gave a slight roll of his eyes.

"I will be in touch periodically, you may also contact me if you need. I will also keep in touch with Stiles," Castiel spoke seriously.

"When can we see him again?" Sam asked, looking back at the angel.

"Once he has found Gabriel and convinced him to hide him from the angels, you may be reunited," Castiel answered.

"How long is that gonna take?" Dean asked, not satisfied with that answer.

"I cannot say, but it is imperative that you keep your distance. You cannot see him."

Dean clenched his jaw. He would normally never take orders from anyone regarding his brothers, not since their dad died anyway, but Castiel was trying help.

When Dean looked back to respond to the angel, he found the backseat was empty. Castiel really needed to learn some etiquette.

"Do you believe him?" Dean asked looking at Sam.

"Yeah, I mean what choice do we have? Everything he's said makes sense," Sam gave a half shrug.

"Yeah, but God? Come on Sammy," Dean said his tone doubtful.

"With all the things we've seen and experienced, you really doubt God exists?" Sam looked at his older brother with a questioning look.

"Look, all I'm saying is, if God is out there, why isn't he doing anything?" Dean gripped the steering wheel.

"He can't control everything cause he gave us free will. It's not free will if he intervenes in everything," Sam shrugged.

"So he's just gonna sit back and let those dick bag angels start the apocalypse?" Dean snapped angrily.

"I don't know, Dean," Sam sighed.

"Well, I'm not," Dean growled pressing the gas a little harder. Bobby was expecting them, and the sooner they got there, the sooner they could find something to kill the devil. And the sooner the devil was dead, the sooner the apocalypse was over, and he could get his brother back. The idea that Stiles was riding shotgun with some random hunter didn't sit well with Dean. He knew hunters and he didn't trust them. At all.

A slightly smaller update, enjoy!

P.s.I know the chapters are a little slow, but they're necessary to develop the relationships.

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