Yes sir

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Dean listened with grit teeth as Cas explained what happened with the witch. The angel was careful to leave out the details of Derek's DNA status, he'd leave that one to Stiles. Sam and Bobby who were listening in as well watched Dean get increasingly aggravated.

"And so now what happens to one, happens to the other," Cas paused waiting for Dean's reaction.

"I want to see him," Dean growled out, it wasn't a question.

"Dean, they may be hidden from low ranking angels, but the higher ups can still track him. I don't think-"

"I want to see my brother, Cas," Dean cut in sharply.

There was a heavy sigh and a pause on the other end, "Of course, Dean,"

The call ended and he turned to Sam and Bobby.

"Now, boy don't you go ripping him a new asshole. He was just trying to help," Bobby said in the fatherly tone he often used with the three brothers.

"He's probably hurt, so go easy on him. You know how he beats himself up like you do," Sam offered up next.

Dean didn't respond. He was too pissed. How could Stiles be so reckless?

At that moment Cas appeared with Stiles and Derek. They both looked like hell. Derek's face was solemn and he looked like he hadn't slept in a week. Stiles wasn't much better, his eyes dark and face tense. They were both ruffled, which was expected.

Dean also expected to see cuts and bruises on the pair, but instead he saw Stiles' hands covered in blood. His and Derek's shirts soaked in it.

Dean's anger faded into worry, "Cas did you heal them?" Dean demanded gently as he hurried to Stiles.

"They're fine," Cas answered carefully.

Dean grabbed Stiles' hands turning them over for any signs of a wound that Cas may have missed.

"I'm fine, Dean," Stiles snapped pulling away. His tone was sharp and pained.

"What the hell Stiles?" Dean barked, once he was sure Stiles was unharmed.

Stiles dropped his head like a scolded child.

"You can't do stuff like that, especially without me or Sam with you. Do you realize how reckless that was? Do you feel like you have to prove yourself? Are you doing it out of spite? Do you understand how much stress this causes me?"

Dean waited for Stiles to say something.

"Hello?" Dean waved a hand in front of Stiles' face when he didn't respond.

"Yes," Stiles snapped.

"Yes, what?" Dean snapped back. Yes, he felt like he had to prove himself? Yes, he was doing it out of spite?

"Yes sir," Stiles growled bitterly.

This caused Dean to falter, flashes of their father yelling at Stiles clouded his memory. John had always demanded respect, never earned it. And 'yes sir' was the only acceptable response when one of the boys had done something wrong.

The room was dead silent for a moment before Sam spoke up, "Dean," His tone begged his brother to fix what he'd just done to Stiles.

"Stiles, I didn't mean...I just want to know why," Dean's tone was softer now, his expression concerned.

"I thought it was a good idea at the time," Stiles spoke like a soldier, his tone a little too even and his face a little too emotionless.

"You could have been seriously hurt. The amount of blood on you doesn't convince me you weren't," Dean's eyes raked over the blood stains once again.

This got a reaction from Stiles. His mouth twisted into a slight snarl, and his tone turned sour, "I'm healed," The response was like a jab, but it wasn't at Dean.

Sam was the one who noticed Derek's reaction, his slight flinch at Stiles' words.

"Derek, are you alright?" Sam asked the other hunter. He looked miserable, like he'd been kicked one too many times.

"He's healed too," Stiles snapped, answering for Derek.

This seemed to catch Dean's attention. The bitterness towards Sam was unwarranted. He expected Stiles to be snappy with him, but it seemed like the attitude wasn't so much directed at his brothers as it was the subject matter.

"What am I missing here?" Dean frowned between Stiles and Derek.

"Nothing," Stiles wasn't ready to explain to Dean that he had been hunting with a werewolf for the past few weeks.

"Cas said you two are linked, what happens to one happens to the other," Sam recalled.

"Yeah, apparently the witch decided to get in one last lick before we iced her," Stiles huffed.

Sam saw the way Stiles' fingers tapped the side of his leg. That was indicative of two things, either Stiles was anxious about something or he was about to snap. Sam wasn't sure which one applied at the moment.

"Stiles," Sam stepped towards his brother.

Stiles' eyes met Sam's and Sam saw the familiar look that Dean often wore in his, the one that said he'd been wronged, and he was never trusting anyone again. It was a distinct look, it was one he'd seen his father wear and one even he'd worn once.

"What's going on?" Sam knew there was more to the story that Stiles wasn't telling them. It was another trait he got from Dean, avoiding painful topics. Stiles was so much like their older brother, Sam used to tell them it was like living with two Deans. Stiles had taken it as a compliment where Dean wore the pressure of that statement.

Stiles didn't respond, instead his eyes pooled with tears and he turned away, willing them not to fall.

"Stiles," Cas urged gently. He didn't like leaving Dean and Sam out of the loop, Dean especially.

Derek stood tense as he waited for Stiles to answer.

"You two are together, aren't you?" Dean asked narrowing his eyes. The unnecessary distance between them was telling, and the way Derek watched Stiles with eyes that said he wanted to reach out and comfort him.

"No," Stiles snapped glaring at the raven-haired hunter.

Derek closed his eyes with a pained squint, like it was bad news he'd been waiting for.

"Not anymore, I'm guessing," Sam said eyeing the pair carefully.

"I don't want to talk about this," Stiles' voice waivered as he fought the tears.

"They have to know, Stiles," Derek said with a quiet tone, not looking at the younger hunter, but instead at the old wooden planks beneath his feet.

"You know what that means for you right?" Stiles jeered.

Derek's sad green eyes met Stiles'. When he spoke it was sad and matter of fact, "They can't do anything that you haven't already,"

Here you are, lovelies! Hope you like it!

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