You like this guy

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Stiles looked at his two older brothers. He'd dreamt of the two of them fighting til the death for weeks, that was something he couldn't allow to come to pass.

"I'll have to leave then," Stiles said standing tall. He refused to let Dean and Sam see his fear.

"No, that is not an option," Dean snapped.

"Dean, you heard Castiel, I can be seen by any angels. If he can hide you, then let him. You can't let Michael and Lucifer in," Stiles shook his head. He should have known Dean would throw a fit.

"I'm not leaving you, so they can drag you in and use you as a bargaining chip," Dean objected. No way was he letting Stiles out of his sight.

"They're angels, Dean, they wouldn't do that," Sam frowned.

"He literally said their ways would not be gentle, and they let Lucifer escape. They sound like dicks to me," Dean scoffed gesturing towards Castiel.

"There is someone who could hide Stiles from the angels, but finding him has proven to be difficult, however, I do believe you two have run into him once. I recall him in Dean's memories," Castiel spoke up then.

"How do you know know my memories?" Dean demanded.

Castiel gave a small amused smile, "I raised you from hell, Dean, I pieced you back together, bit by bit. I know you better than anyone could ever hope to."

Dean rubbed the back of his neck, clearing his throat, "Well I feel violated."

"Who is this guy?" Sam asked trying to get Dean and Castiel back on topic.

"You know him as the trickster, but his name is Gabriel," Castiel answered turning to the middle Winchester.

"Gabriel? As in the archangel?" Dean asked, blinking.

"Yes, he has been missing for some time. He hid himself among the humans, he could hide Stiles from the other angels as well, but you'd have to find him. That has been proven difficult, however," Castiel nodded.

"So we find him," Dean said putting his uncocked gun away.

"No, I'll find him alone," Stiles said shaking his head.

"No, we do this together," Dean snapped.

"It's not worth the risk. Look, I'll call Derek Hale, he owes me for helping him a few days back on a Djinn case," Stiles said pulling out his phone.

"Who the hell is Derek Hale?" Dean demanded. He'd never heard Stiles mention him.

"I ran into him in Franklin when you guys dropped me off to take care of the librarian that was haunting the library. He and I teamed up. He helped me dig her up and I helped him take down a Djinn. Bobby knows him," Stiles huffed. He should have known Dean would get all protective. The last time they teamed up with another hunter, It was Gordan Walker, and he tried to kill Sam, multiple times.

"Hale, right, Bobby mentioned him once, he primarily hunts werewolves," Sam nodded knowingly.

"I don't like it," Dean shook his head.

"You don't to, Dean, you just have to accept it," Stiles shrugged as he dialed Derek's number.

Dean clenched his jaw.

"Hey Derek, me again," Stiles shifted turning away from his brothers.

"Winchester, twice in one day, that can't be good," Derek responded.

"I actually have a favor to ask of you, It's kind of a big one, but..." Stiles trailed off.

"I told you I owed you," Derek chuckled into the phone.

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now