Want it

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Derek's hands slid down Stiles' shoulders as if pulling the tension out of them. He leaned forward, letting his lips disappear into Stiles' hair. His chest pressed against the hunter's back.

Stiles turned, leaning into the werewolf. He burrowed his face into Derek's neck, muffling his voice. "I'm sorry I told him."

"Don't apologize, I understand why you did it," Derek held Stiles against him, his hand raking gently through the hunter's hair.

"I was just so angry and-" Before he could continue, Derek was pushing him back so they were face to face.

"You don't have to explain yourself. At least now you know that he didn't make another deal," Derek's eyes were soft, and it made Stiles wonder how he could have ever hated the man.

"Why are you so good to me? After everything I said and the way I treated you."

"I don't blame you for that. You were hurt and that's my fault. I'm just glad you decided to see me for who I really am."

Stiles leaned forward, pressing their lips together.

The two melted into each other as they fell gently onto the bed. Hands eagerly gripping and pulling at clothing as they went.


"Are we going to go after him right away?" Cas asked as Dean parked the impala back in front of the motel.

"Not tonight. We'll head back to Bobby's in the morning and come up with a game plan, once you scout the state, we'll make.our move," Dean answered cutting off the engine. He climbed out of the car and took a deep breath. Being in closed quarters with Cas was getting harder for Dean. He wanted to reach out and touch the angel but had to refrain. He was far too invested. Yet there was nothing to get invested in. Could they even be considered friends? It wasn't likely.

"Dean," Cas spoke coming around the front of the impala to Dean's side. "You're longing again."

The frown that creased between Cas' eyes made Dean want to reach out even more, smooth the concern away. Instead he dropped his eyes to his feet.

Cas stepped in closer then, his hand cupped Dean's chin, lifting so their eyes met.

"I didn't know what that meant before but..."

Dean's breath caught at the intimate touch. Cas was so close. Too close. Dean was about to pull back when Cas leaned forward. His lips brushing Dean's gently. It was delicate and soft, as far as kisses went. Dean stumbled back a bit from Cas' touch.

"Cas, what the hell man?" Dean breathed out; his lungs ached from lack of oxygen.

"That is what you were wanting, right?" Cas took a half step forward. He frowned again, only this time with worry rather than concern. Had he done something wrong?

"I-I-You-It's-" Dean fumbled over his words.

"I only feel your longing when it's towards me, but it shouldn't be there when I'm near you. I know I'm still figuring out all these emotions but-"

"You can't just kiss someone cause they want you to, Cas," Dean snapped. He didn't intend for his tone to be so harsh, but this wasn't how he'd imagined his first kiss with Cas to go.

"Then when?" Cas tilted his head in the way Dean had come to adore.

"When you both want it," Dean suddenly felt very vulnerable, like his feelings were on display like a bone in a too deep wound.

"Did you not want it?"

Dean remained silent. Yes, he wanted. He wanted it so damn bad, but Cas had only done it because he thought Dean wanted it, not because Cas had wanted it.

"It's doesn't matter, if you didn't."

"But I did," Cas tilted his head a bit more.

Dean's mouth parted in surprise. "You did?" No, he couldn't. He was an angel.

"This feeling when I'm near you, it's different than others," Cas bowed his head as if in shame.

"Different how?" Dean wanted to reach out to the angel, but he forced himself to remain unmoving.

"Sam explained to me the different types of love. I have given it some thought and I've come to realize that you are the reason I rebelled. I watched you from afar and I ached for you. I felt guilty for lying. Angels aren't supposed to feel guilt. I marked you upon pulling you from Hell, but I think you marked me as well. You and I share a profound bond. I tried to ignore it, to fight it, even, but it all felt wrong. I tried to warn you from afar, by speaking with Stiles, but I was drawn to you. I thought if I could speak to you, I would feel better, but it only made things clearer to me."

Dean blinked at Cas. This had to be a dream. This was too good to be true. And in Dean's experience if it seemed too good to be true, it probably was.

"I've loved you from the moment I pulled you out of hell. It just took me a while to understand that was what I was feeling."

Dean shook his head, "But I'm...I'm just a human. A poor excuse for one at that."

Cas stepped forward, his hand landing on the shoulder where his handprint had faded, "Not to me."

Dean's heart jumped at Cas' words. This was a trick, it had to be.

"And not to most of the world. Dean, you are the righteous man. You are Michael's sword. That alone makes you more than a poor excuse for a human. You have sacrificed so much time and time again to save the world, how can you think of yourself as anything but extraordinary?"

Dean's eyes softened at Cas' kind words. He wasn't used to being praised like this. It stirred something inside him that he wasn't used to.

"I can see that this is taking its toll on you. I'm sorry if I've put too much on you. It was not my intention," Cas dropped his hand.

"No, it's okay," Dean stepped forward, already missing the angel's touch.

"I should scout Missouri as we discussed. I'll let you know when the demonic omens start."

Dean blinked and Castiel was gone. He leaned against the impala's hood, to keep from losing his balance. He was dizzy in the sort of way you got when you held your breath for too long. But Dean hadn't been holding his breathe, had he?

Had this really happened? Had Cas claimed to love him? Truly love him? Was that even possible? Dean yearned for the angel's presence but was secretly glad for the time to gather his thoughts alone. He had a lot to sort out. His touched his lips with the tips of his fingers, remembering the way Cas had felt against them. Shit, he was definitely in over his head, in more ways than one.

Sorry for the wait. My computer isn't wanting to charge. Hope you like it!

Angel with a shotgun(Destiel)(Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now