Out of line

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Stiles pressed Derek against the wall hard. Derek leaned his head back allowing Stiles' lips to trail along his neck. A low wanton growl escaped his throat causing the hunter to press up against him.

"Stiles," Derek panted, he'd been wanting this for weeks. Been craving his touch.

"Shhh," Stiles silenced the werewolf, connecting their lips.

Derek's hands slid under Stiles' shirt still stained with the blood of their last hunt.

The youngest Winchester tugged at Derek's jeans, popping the button open.

Derek let out another moan. Stiles was going to be the death of him.

"I need you," Stiles whispered in Derek's ear as he nipped at his lobe.

"Fuck," Derek swore closing his eyes. He let Stiles strip his pants before lifting the stained shirt off the hunter.

"Is that what you're gonna do to me?" Stiles grinned seductively before dragging his fingers over Derek's crotch.

Derek let out another low growl as he once again threw his head back.

"Feels like you're ready for me," Stiles purred pressing himself against Derek.

"Stiles," Derek panted out. He wasn't able to form a proper sentence with Stiles talking like that.

"I guess it's my turn," Stiles spoke slowly unzipping his own pants.

Derek yanked his shirt off, tossing it aside.

Stiles pressed Derek back against the wall again. The thin fabric of their underwear the only thing between them.

Derek slid his hands along Stiles' hips and around to his ass gripping it in order to pull him closer.

Stiles moaned into Derek's mouth as their tongues rolled together.

"Stiles slid his hand inside Derek's boxers causing the werewolf to pull back from the kiss.

"Oh fuck," He swore as Stiles' hand wrapped around him.

"Can't wait to feel you from the inside," Stiles smirked up at Derek.

"Stiles, if you don't hurry up, I'm gonna-oh fuck," Derek cut himself of as Stiles pumped Derek slowly.

"Maybe that's the point. Maybe I want you to. Once now and then again later," Stiles whispered picking up speed.

Derek squeezed his eyes closed as Stiles mouth connected to his neck again, "Stiles, oh fuck."

Derek opened his eyes panting heavily. It was dark, but his eyes adjusted quick. He was in bed of the hotel room he and Stiles had gotten for the night.

Derek groaned as he felt the wetness in his underwear. That was the second time this had happened. He was going to lose his mind. He looked over to see Stiles sound asleep. Being as quiet as possible he slipped out of bed and to the bathroom to clean up. The more time he spent with Stiles the more he wanted him. He tried to keep his distance not wanting the hunter to hate him more than he did. It had seemed briefly like Stiles was warming up to him a bit and he didn't want to do anything to ruin his chances in case he was.

When Derek climbed back into bed in fresh underwear he let out a sigh. Tomorrow they were going to be checking a potential Gabriel lead in Wyoming. Derek wasn't sure if he wanted to find the angel yet or not. Sure, he wanted Stiles safe, but that meant he'd go back to his brothers and he wasn't sure he could get Stiles to see him as anything other than a monster if he was around Dean.

Derek rolled over grabbing his phone. He squinted at the brightness. Six a.m.

Pulling up Sam's number he sent a quick text.

"Hey, this is Derek. I know this might be out of line, but I feel like you might be my only hope. I want to know if you really think I'm a monster, not in the sense that my DNA says so but as a person. Stiles told me about how you wanted to spare the vamp that wasn't hurting people. I swear I've never hurt anyone, outside of actually hunting of course."

Derek sent the text and put his phone down. His heart was racing as he waited for a response.

It didn't take long, surprisingly.


Sam stared at his phone a small frown tugging at his features. Derek was reaching out. Dean would be furious if he found out. But Dean didn't have to know. Sam had just walked out of the house for his morning run. Now would be a good time to talk. He sent a quick 'Call me' before heading down the driveway towards the road. He didn't want to be caught on the phone by Dean or Bobby.

Sam's phone rang moments later.

"Derek," Sam answered.

There was a brief hesitation on the other end. "I'm sorry if this is out of line," Derek finally spoke.

"No, not at all. I felt it would be best to talk in person but that's kind of difficult at the moment so this is as close I'll get."

Derek remained silent.

"I want to start by saying that I believe you. And I know you wouldn't hurt Stiles intentionally. I also understand you keeping you secret silent. Being a supernatural creature in the hunter lifestyle is dangerous, but I also know what it's like to lost family to it. Once you're in, there's no getting out," Sam wanted Derek to be comfortable with him.

"I wouldn't have reached out but..." Derek paused. "I don't know what to do. I...I love him," Derek admitted.

Sam felt his jaw drop.

"I know it sounds crazy but I can't help it. Even with him hating me and wanting me dead. He's an incredible hunter and he was someone I really felt comfortable around, before he found out. Knowing the spell is the only thing keeping me alive puts a bit of a damper on that, but I'd let him kill me if it would make him happy. But he told me...he told me he didn't want to but that he didn't have a choice," Derek's tone was nervous, Sam could tell.

"Derek, you have to understand that Stiles was raised by Dean, hell we both were but I left...for a while. Stiles has only ever known what Dean has taught him and my dad was...he was ruthless man. He raised Dean to be the way he is. That's a hard thing to break. I truly think that Stiles cares for you. I could see it in his eyes. He devastated him to find out what you were. I know you think he hates you, but he doesn't. He thinks he's supposed to, but he trusts you and when Stiles trusts someone, he's never wrong. I know now that's thanks to his grace. Dean doesn't want to believe it, but I know Cas is on your side and Cas...I don't know, he's got a way with Dean." Sam wished he could promise Derek that Dean would come around, but he knew he couldn't make that promise.

"I just want to know if you think he'll ever trust me again. If he'll ever see me the way he did. If he'll ever...love me the way I do him," Derek's voice was quieter now.

"I can't say for certain, but I think if you show him, and you give him time, I think there's a good chance he'll come around," Sam nodded though Derek couldn't see him.

The line was silent for a moment before Derek spoke up again, "Thank you," His voice waivered like he was holding back tears.

"Sure," Sam felt bad for the werewolf. He could tell that he was in a tough spot. Stiles deserved someone willing to fight for him the way Derek was. He just didn't know if Stiles was willing to fight for Derek.

Bit of an update for you. A little Sarek? Dam? moment. Lol

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