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It was late, and Dean couldn't sleep. He'd been too worried about Stiles. After the call from Derek, he and Sam had gotten into a fight about their younger brother.

"He's gonna be fine, Dean," Sam said as Dean tossed his phone onto the bed.

"Maybe, but for how long? How long does it take for him to go dark side?" Dean demanded angrily.

"Don't treat him like he made my mistakes," Sam snapped, "Stiles isn't going dark side." Sam's tone was deeper than it normally was. He refused to let Dean start accusing Stiles of things simply because Sam had made stupid choices.

"If he's not talking, it's cause something's seriously wrong," Dean gestured to the phone as if it was Stiles.

"Maybe he's not talking because he's afraid to piss you off. You aren't exactly the understanding type," Sam was getting mad now.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't get on board with your demon blood addiction. I'm sorry I couldn't understand why you chose Ruby over your own brothers," Dean shouted.

"I already said I'm sorry Dean," Sam growled.

"It doesn't matter, it's in the past. What matters right now is Stiles," Dean said dismissing Sam's apology.

"You don't trust him, that's why he doesn't talk to you. You treat him like dad did," Sam said not bothering to sugar coat it.

"Don't compare me to him," Dean snapped. The idea that Stiles might feel that way made Dean nauseous. He knew how Stiles felt about their dad, he wouldn't let Stiles feel that way about him.

"I'm not, I'm just saying you try to control every aspect of his life. You can't trust that he can handle himself," Sam's tone was gentler now.

"I don't know that he can," Dean threw his hands up. "I mean you heard what Derek said, he's snapping, Sam. And we can't do anything about it."

"He's just got a lot on his plate. Ever since you..." Sam trailed off unable to say it. "When you got back, we thought things were looking up. It was a rough four months without you. Stiles has never had to be without you. Not like me. When I went to Stanford, all he had was you. I'm not you. He was in a rough place those four months. He doesn't talk about it, but he was. You being back was such a huge deal to him. It was to me too, but not like it was for him. Now he's without both of us, so yeah, he's not gonna be doing well. But he's keeping us safe by staying away. We owe it to him, to stay safe. Showing up on his doorstep isn't going to help. So just trust him, okay? Please."

Dean had decided he needed air at that point. He never thought about how his being gone might have affected Stiles. He knew Sam would be fine without him and he assumed Stiles would be okay because he had Sam. He was wrong and that hurt. Stiles never let on how messed up he'd been. Dean wanted to call Stiles, to apologize, to hear his voice, to let him know he wasn't going anywhere ever again. But he knew he couldn't make that kind of promise, not in this life.

Dean sat on the hood of the impala. He felt so lost. He couldn't be there for Stiles. Sam and him were on the run from heaven of all places, and they were no closer to finding a weapon that could kill the devil. He wished he had someone to talk to. Someone who wasn't Sam or Bobby.

"Dean," A voice spoke from beside him then.

"Cas," Dean said a note of surprise in his tone. The angel had been gone for most of the week. Hunting God, he assumed.

"I felt your distress and used the tracker on your phone that Sam showed me," Castiel said taking a step towards Dean.

"My distress?" Dean frowned.

"You were thinking of me in a longing type of way. Is there something you wish to speak with me about?" Castiel asked tilting his head slightly in the way he did when he was confused or curious.

"You can read my thoughts?" Dean asked suddenly very worried.

"No, that would be intrusive. I can hear prayers and while you weren't praying to me, you were reaching out with your mind in another way. You must have wanted to speak with me," Castiel explained, still looking like a curious puppy.

"Oh, uh, I..." Dean hadn't realized he'd been thinking of Cas when he was thinking of someone to talk to other than Sam or Bobby.

"You're troubled," Castiel noted Dean's body language was guarded and tense.

"It's Stiles. Derek called earlier. He's not doing well. I just wish there was some way to find Gabriel quicker, or a weapon to kill lucifer, I just need a win, man. It's been weeks of chasing our tails," Dean sighed. It was easy to say these things to Cas.

"Chasing your tails?" Castiel frowned.

"Yeah, like going in circles, not getting anywhere," Dean explained with a wave of his hand.

"Yes, I know the feeling," Castiel said looking down, his frown not leaving his usually stone features.

"No luck with God I presume?" Dean asked.

"I have looked many places, including New Mexico like you suggested, he's nowhere," Castiel sighed.

Dean smirked at the New Mexico comment.

"I will check in with Stiles," Castiel said then, straightening up.

"Wait, hold on," Dean held a hand out stopping Cas from disappearing, "I'm sorry you haven't found him," Dean gave a sympathetic smile. He knew the struggle of looking for a dad that didn't want to be found.

"Thank you for your sympathy, Dean," Castiel gave a curt nod.

"So, is there any way to shut off the angel radio that Stiles has going on?" Dean asked then. He really didn't want Cas to go yet.

"Yes, I would have to teach him, but it can be done," Castiel nodded thoughtfully.

"That's great, maybe you can pop in tomorrow and show him how?" Dean asked with a hopeful smile.

"If that's what he wishes, of course," Castiel agreed.

"Good, well that's a start at least," Dean seemed relieved to be able to help Stiles in some way.

"You're concern for your brothers is admirable," Castiel said then, looking at Dean as if he were the most interesting person he'd ever met.

"I practically raised them, it's ingrained into me," Dean said dismissively. He was never praised for looking after his brothers. It had always just been expected of him.

"You don't give yourself enough credit," Castiel said then, eyeing Dean carefully.

Dean's eyes met Castiel's. Dean couldn't read them though, they were cold and stone, much like the rest of Castiel. Usually he could judge a lot about a person based on their eyes. What was the saying? Eyes are the windows of the soul? Yeah, that made sense, since Castiel wasn't a human and therefore had no soul.

"You're a unique one, Dean Winchester, I look forward to figuring you out," Castiel said then with a small tug at his lips.

Dean felt his cheeks flush. He'd never had someone eager to figure him out, most people assumed they knew the type of person he was based on the mask he wore, but he assumed Castiel knew things about him that he would never have offered willingly. However, Castiel did 'piece him together' as he put it. And Castiel still felt he was worthy of helping. Maybe he didn't mind that Castiel knew those things, Maybe that was why he felt he could talk to the angel so easily. Whatever the reason, it was nice to have someone.

So I'm excited cause I have a really cool idea planned. It won't be for a couple of chapters, but it's gonna be fun to write!
Let me know what you guys think so far!

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