chapter one.

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Monday, August 29,17.


PLAIN JANE BLASTED throughout the windows of my car. Pulling up to school like this was an everyday thing. It just so happened that it was senior year so, I really didn't give a fuck. Thats my attitude for the entire of the school year actually. I stepped out of the car with the music still blasting.

Females began giving dirty looks and the males couldn't bare to look away. As for me? I continued gathering my books together. Again, I could give a damn what anyone thought. Wasn't nobody about to check me for it. When I finally gathered my things together, I turned the car off and threw the keys into my purse.

"You BITCHES are welcome!" I shouted with a smile gracing my face.

Someone wanted to say something but I knew they weren't. I ran this entire school just because, I was a wealthy person. CRENSHAW HEIGHTS wasn't full of the rich kind, only the middle class. Unfortunately, I was forced to come here being as though my mother divorced my father. He's the rich one as for her? She's broke and busted.

My father is my source of money and has raised me into the woman I am today. When he slipped up and went to jail everything changed. My mother went on a rampage, became a heroine addict and divorced him. I don't know how the court managed to give her full custody of me but— they did. Now my life is pure shit and I'll always blame her for fucking it up.

"CAPRI!" I screamed, running down the hall toward my best friend.

Capri had it all a pretty face and the perfect body ever. She wasn't always like this though, sister was ugly as hell! I'm grateful to witness her glow. I love her so much and I'll never ever leave her. Besides, she's the only one that can handle my bullshit.

"DOMO!" She responded back with the same energy, pulling me into a hug. "I missed your entrance. Did you make them weak bitches mad?!"

Breaking free from her hug, I nodded. "Of course. The funny thing is the only I did was blast some music. How bothered can you be over that?"

"I don't know girl, but we got a new student."

"I thought they stopped accepting durning senior year? What the hell."

She shrugged. "He went here a year ago but dropped out. I'm not sure why they're allowing him to come back. I guess he's not a new student anyways."

"Well, whatever." I leaned up against the beat down blue locker and glanced over the area. "Whoever this mysterious student is bett—"

"He's behind you." She spoke softly.

The tall brownskin, fully tatted male looked directly into my eyes. "Excuse you. You in my way ma." His smooth voice spoke.

"Walk around."

He chuckled a bit. "That was cute. I can't move around if you directly on my locker though, lets use your brain here."

"Look, I don't know who the hell you think you ar—"

Before I knew it I was being moved out of the way. For the third time, nobody has ever put me in check. I didn't say anything, I was shocked. With some dumbfounded look on my face. As the male finished placing books into his locker, I turned on my heels towards Capri.

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