chapter forty seven.

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( 12:05am. )

The whole ride home I was stuck in pure shock. I couldn't believe he really purposed. It all felt like a beautiful dream but it was definitely real. Everything inside of me was filled with joy and love. I was ready and prepared to spend my life with him forever. I wouldn't want it any other way.

We pulled into the driveway and both began to get out. He grabbed a now fast asleep Skylar and we entered the house.

"I'ma go lay her down right quick. Don't fall asleep on me." He chuckled.

"I promise you, I won't." I smiled, closing the door behind myself.

I removed my heels before walking upstairs and straight into our bedroom. I threw my clutch onto the dresser and slipped out of the black dress. Knowing Isaiah I didn't think it was necessary to put any clothes on. But before that I think it's time for me to prepare to tell him my secret. I sat on the bed with my back pressed up against the headboard and as on cue he walked in closing the door behind him.

"And she's out like a light. You gotta keep her up that way she won't be waking up early as hell." He laughed, while starting to remove his shoes and tux.

"I hope so but then again, keeping her awake while she's tired isn't easy to do." I sighed. "But there's something I need to tell you."

"What's up?"

"I'm pregnant. I took a test with Ariana and Alexis, I don't know how many weeks I am though. Whatever you want to do, I'm ful—"

His face lit up like a kid in the candy store but at the same time he looked sad. "We're keeping it. End of discussion."

"I-" It took me a moment because I was honestly speechless. "Are you sure?"

"I'm one hundred percent sure. And, since you are why don't we just cuddle tonight instead?"

I smiled and nodded. "Of course."

We both got underneath the covers and held each other. My head laid on his chest and his arms were wrapped around me. I wish we could stay this forever.

"I love you."

"I love you even more." He softly kissed my forehead.


( 1:45am. )

Finally Domonique was fast asleep. I released my grip from around her and slid her head from my chest. I carefully got out of the bed and slipped on my sweats, plain white tee and shoes on. Unfortunately it was about that time. If I didn't go to them they'd come to me and that's the last thing I want. Before leaving the room I looked down at Domonique sleeping so peacefully. I didn't want anything to go down this way. I should've just stayed away. With one last glance I proceeded to walk out of our bedroom and down the hall to Skylar's room. The daughter that made me want to change who I am and be better. I'm forever grateful for her.

Walking out of her room, I walked downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed a pen and piece of paper. I started on writing a letter explaining everything.

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