chapter fourteen.

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Friday, 10.19


Angrily throwing the covers from my body, I was awakened from banging on my door. Who the fuck has the audacity to be doing this early in the morning? I rolled out of bed onto my feet and stood by the door. Knowing those attics were coming by the house all different times at night, I kept my door locked. I wasn't taking any chances with them coming in my room.

"What do you want, it's fucking five in the morning!" I yelled through the door.

"It's Nicholas, ma'. Isaiah friend, we met at that party remember? I wanna get to know you more."

At five in the morning? Fuck is wrong with this dumbass. "How the fuck did you even get in here?"

"Had to drop some things off for your mom. Come open the door and let's talk."

"Isaiah know you here?"

"Nah. We ain't fucking wit' each other right now."

Apart of me knew I shouldn't have unlocked the door. I don't know why I did it, but I did it anyways. He walked in with two red cups in his hands and sat on my bed. I closed the door behind him and stood there looking at him.

"I have school in three hours, what do we need to talk about?"

He smirked. "I bought you some juice." He said holding one of the cups out. "I'm sorry, I ain't mean to interrupt your sleep, I guess I'll go back out there."

Taking the cup from him, I rolled my eyes. "Bye." Waving him off, I watched as he stood from my bed and exited the door. I locked it back, walking to my bed and sitting on it. I took a nice sized gulp from the cup and placed it on my dresser. Time to take my ass back to bed.


There was a terrible pain throughout my entire body that woke me out of my sleep. I groaned clenching my stomach as I tried to get out of bed. My vision was blurry and it felt like the whole room was spinning. I don't know what was going on but I wanted it to stop. I managed to get out the bed, grabbing my phone and crawled into the bathroom.

I looked down and seen blood all on my shorts. At this point, I was concerned for my baby so much. There had to be something in that drink. Weakly lifting my phone up, I squinted trying to make out Isaiah's contact name. After a few tries I found it and called it. To my surprise he answered on the first ring.

"You okay?" His voice was raspy, indicating I had just woke him up.

"The baby..." I could barely speak, I felt myself going on and out of consciousness. "Blood, can't breathe."

The urgency in his voice immediately came through the phone, like he snapped out of sleep quick. "Don't go anywhere! I'm on my way, please keep trying to breathe baby."

Doing as he said I continued to take deep breathes and focus on breathing. The more hard work I did doing that, the more it wasn't helping. Before I knew it everything went black...

happy tuesday! a little cliff hanger to get things going. (((:

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