chapter seventeen.

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Everything about Domonique was concerning me. The no good of a mother she had wasn't doing her job well. Getting addicted to drugs and having your daughter live with a case worker is unbelievable. It was a must to get our father out of jail now and that's what I was determined to do today. There's no way she's going to be raising a child around that mess of a woman. Time for Nasir to step back up, plus he won't be happy hearing about Domonique's baby father.

I arrived to the federal prison and walked inside of the building. It's been a while since I've been down here. Doesn't look like anything has changed though, might've gotten more strict. I walked up to the front desk, giving the security lady all of my information. She directed me to the open area room filled with some empty tables. I sat at the one in the back and await for him to be brought out.


Minutes passed and he finally came out. Nothing about him ever looked different. This place wasn't getting to him, he ran people in here. I stood up and we hugged each other then, sat back down getting ready for business.

"What brings you by here today, darling?" His raspy voice spoke. "Is it money you need?"

I shook my head. "No, pops. It's Domonique."

"What's going on with my princess? I told you to watch over her at all times."

"That's what I was trying to do! But you know her mother doesn't like me. Anyways, she has this boyfriend his name is Isaiah. Isaiah Robinson, Maxwell son."

His face damn near dropped on the table. "Break that shit the fuck up, Giselle. I know she ain't be that stupid out here. Why the fuck would she do some shit like this?"

"I don't think it was intentional, daddy. You know she would never do anything to disrespect you." I sighed. "I can't break them up. She's pregnant with his child."

"What the fuck, Giselle."

"I know, I know! I didn't know what to think either when I heard the news, so far she's seven weeks. That's why I came to tell you, I finished paying off your bail. The lady said you could get out tomorrow."

He nodded. "I want you to call up Jordan. She always had a thing for him along with Amir. Get them all back together but, more so Jordan. I know he could step in and be a better father than that Isaiah kid. Then, I want you pack up heading down to Houston. I want all contact cut off from them two."

"Yes, sir. I'll start on doing everything when I lea—"

"Why are you still here? I just gave you multiple things to do and I want them done now."

I nodded and stood up from the seat. Without saying bye I made my way out of the prison. He's sneaky and super strict— if he doesn't like it, it automatically has to go. That's just the way things were. I got into my car and went on Instagram to do two things, announce his homecoming and find Jordan.



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Liked by majorgirl, kellyrowland and 218,949 others.

giselleq pops coming home tmrw! 💪🏾 bout time we have a real man back on the streets.

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babydee huh??? 🧐

caprisun 👀

tameraaa y'all daddy fine, i swear.

bandhunta_jugg1 so... this y'all pops? lol.

giselleq @bandhunta_jugg1 problem?


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Liked by dearra, bahjarodriguez and 119,841 others.

bankjrdn no caption.

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jordanwife damn.

giselleq long time no speak, check dm.

bankjrdn @giselleq oh damn, fasho.



That was easier said than done. All I have to do now is get Jordan to get Domonique to come to her senses.

these are filler chapters, leading up to big drama. ( which is why they aren't that long. )

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