chapter eight.

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Saturday, 09.18


MY EYES FLUTTERED open as I woke from the deep sleep I was in. My body was still tired but I managed to lift my head from the blue covered pillow. I looked around noticing I was in the bed alone, it felt weird. Isaiah slept beside me on my first night here, now I'm all alone. But that's my fault anyways. Throwing the covers from my body and standing to my feet I slipped on my slides.

I heard laughing coming from down the steps. That was something new usually there'd peace and quiet. It's going to take a while to adjust to things around here. Sighing to myself I opened the bedroom door and slowly walked downstairs. From the living room I could see everyone enjoying breakfast in the kitchen. They seemed to be having a family moment and I didn't want to mess it up.

As I was turning on my heels to go back upstairs, Monroe called out my name. "Domonique! Come join us love." That was just great. I nodded and begin walking into the kitchen area.

"Good Morning!" I quickly put on a fake smile.

The small lightskined female opened her mouth first. "Girl, it's past morning. But, I'm Ariana it's nice to finally have another female in this house. Isaiah and Judah think they run this place." She shook her head.

I never would've guessed that Isaiah and Judah we're brothers. They gave off that best friend vibe but, I guess it does make sense.

"Didn't exactly look at the lock, I'm Domonique. It's nice to meet you too." I responded with the same fake smile as before.

Monroe cleared her throat, taking a sip of her orange juice. "Isaiah why don't you and Domonique hang out today? Since Ariana and I have some things to do, wouldn't want her in the house alone."

He shrugged, not looking up from his phone. "I'm sure she got some friends to go hang wit. She ain't hanging wit me though, that's fasho."

"And why is that?" Monroe asked, clearly shocked from the answer he had gave.

"I don't want her to damn. Is that so hard for you to acc—"

His sentence was cut short from Monroe reaching across the table, pulling her hand back and smacking the mess out of him. "Watch who the fuck you talking to! I ain't one of your friends out in these streets to be playing with."

He didn't say anything. It seemed like the entire room went into an awkward silence. The way he stared at the wall with the angry filled look on his face. His glance with the wall turned towards me. I didn't have anything to do with this. Nor did I ask her to ask if he wanted to hang with me. I was just fine with the idea of staying home, I didn't want to be out anyways.

"Be ready in a hour." He spoke, standing up from the table and exiting the kitchen.

I nodded, watching him walk away. "You didn't have to tell him to bring me along. I would've been cool with staying in the house." I sighed. "And we aren't even on talking terms at the moment." I mumbled.

"Ariana, you may be excused to go ahead and get ready while I speak with Domonique." She smiled.

For a moment I felt like I knew what she was going to bring up. Nothing but the past of course being that she knew everything about me. I think she might even have known more about me than I do myself. Taking a seat across from her at the table I placed both of my hands on top of it.

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