chapter fithteen.

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I swear I had to at least being doing 80mph to get to Domonique. I was even running stop signs, I ain't care I had to get to her. I pulled into her complex driveway in under eight minutes. Jumping out of the truck I ran into the complex, refusing to take the elevator I ran up the stairs to her apartment room. The door was left wide open which confused the fuck out of me. I walked inside and walked straight down the hall to her bedroom.

Some of the blood had stained her carpet and it just pained me even more. I quickly walked into the bathroom to see her laid out on the floor. It hurt my heart seeing her this way, something I'd never wanna see. I kneeled on the ground beside her checking her pulse, it was there but getting shorter by the minute.

"Isaiah?" She spoke in a whisper, trying to open her eyes; reaching her hand out.

"I'm here baby." I responded, grabbing onto her hand. "I'm calling 911 right now."

I pulled my phone out with my other hand and dialed the number. I told the operator to send the ambulance immediately but I knew it was going to take some time, being as though her neighborhood was shitty. Once she told me they were on the way, I turned my focus back into Domonique.

"The alien's gonna have your eyes." She smiled softly, her breathing becoming short within every word. "I'm so glad it was you."

I chuckled, looking in her eyes. "He or she is going to have all your beautiful looks, mama. But right now, they mama has to focus on breathing."

"I love you Isaiah."

Those were the last words she said before closing her eyes and her pulse decreasing anymore. I refused to believe she was about to leave me. She wasn't the only one leaving, so was my child. This isn't the way for them to be going. Tears were falling from my eyes now. I held on tighter to her hand and rubbed her forehead.

"Stay wit' me baby. I need you here." My voice started to crack throughout my sentence.

I sat there and just looked at her as she was fighting for her life. I don't know what caused all of this but, once I find out something will be done. And, I know for a fact she didn't do anything wrong because, she wouldn't put our child in harms way. A few minutes later paramedics came rushing into the bathroom. I moved out of their way and watched them lift her up on the stretcher. They placed an oxygen mask over her face to help with breathing.

"Are you riding along with her?" One of them asked.

I shook my head. "No, I'll follow behind in my truck."


I followed behind them as they carried her out through the elevator. I watched them place her into the ambulance from inside of my truck, when they started pulling off so did I. In my mind, I didn't know what to think. There was too much going on for me to understand.


Sitting in the waiting room alone felt awkward. I didn't think to call anyone because, I thought I'd be able to hand this on my own. But, I clearly wasn't. I just sat there staring into space waiting on the doctors to tell me something. It's been three hours since I've been here. They must've figured out something already.

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