chapter forty.

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I stood there with the dumbest look on my face. I didn't know if I wanted to smile or slam the door in their faces. I opened my mouth to speak and instantly began getting choked up.

"Well? Are you going to let us in?" Ariana chimed in with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh.. yeah." I nodded, opening the door wider letting them both enter.

I stepped to the side and closed the door once everyone was inside. Skylar came from the kitchen and ran towards me, I picked her up and held her on my hip. She looked at Isaiah up and down before looking back at me.

"Mama, who dat?" She questioned, pointing at Isaiah.

"You don't remember me baby?" Isaiah spoke with a confused look on his face. "It's me, your father."

She looked back up at me and with the same confused look and I threw on a smile. "Remember all those pictures I showed you? Remember how I told you that your daddy has a water gun on the side of his forehead and that what makes him different from all the other daddies. That's him."

"I don't know him mommy." She pouted.

"It's okay, mama." I nodded, placing her back on the floor. "Why don't you go back in the kitchen with Mr. Tiller, while me and daddy have a talk."

She nodded and went about her way into the kitchen, Ariana followed behind her. Isaiah and myself walked into the living room and sat down.

"That's fucked up, my own child don't fucking remember me. This your father fault and you KNOW it." He spoke.

"She was still a couple of months old when you went away. It's not her fault, I showed her as many pictures as I could. Could you please not blame him? You murdered someone and someone found out, it is what it is."

"Do you hear yourself right now, Domonique? The nigga doesn't want me around you or Sky. I don't get caught for shit but this one time I magically do? You don't think that shit is suspicious?"

"So is the fact that you have three other children." I shook my head, straying away from the topic we were on. "A four year old daughter and two three year old sons. We shouldn't even be together right now and Sky shouldn't even know you exist."

"Domonique now you kn—"

"No, I don't want to hear the lies." I shrugged. "We're only together for the sake of Sky, I don't want her growing up without a father when you've already missed so much. Take care of your other kids and do what you have to but, don't ruin a damn thing for MY daughter."

He adjusted his position on the couch. "The lies? Who the fuck was about your lie to your ass? I just got out and you coming down my neck hard as fuck. If anything I thought you'd be happy to know I got out early and was going to show a nigga some love. But, you let these motherfuckas get in your head about some shit and now you saying reckless shit. Since when was we staying together for Sky? It don't even matter cause she don't even know me. I might as well not even be her father." He stood up from the couch.

"Isaiah.." I started but nothing came out. Every time he says some under the bus shit, it takes me to another place. "Did you even want Skylar? Were you even happy that I was pregnant?"

"I don't know what I was. I thought about slipping an abortion pill in your drink the day I found out. But I thought you was somebody who was going to be with me forever. If I knew all this shit was bound to come, I would've gave you the pill unnoticed and that's the truth. She's here now and I got a lot of work that needs to be done. So, I'ma go in here and try to get to know my daughter before I decide if I want to be her father or not."

I stood there dumbfounded and watched him walk away. Tears came down my cheeks and I sniffed quietly. He was really going to try and kill my child. I can't believe it...

it's almost 5am... i was determined to get this posted no matter the time. lmaoooo.


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