chapter twenty three.

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( december 5th. )


As nervous as I was feeling, I was prepared for today. Finally, I was going to see Isaiah for the first time. Shit, I didn't even know what to wear. We ended up texting all night and things just seemed so right. There's hope here and I'm definitely going to keep going after it. We decided on starting things over again, it's for the better anyways.

Right when I finished flat ironing my hair, I felt a rush of throw up at the back of my throat. I accidentally dropped the flat iron onto the pink plush rug and ran into the bathroom — heading straight for the toilet. I emptied out the pancakes and grits I had ate for breakfast. Once I was finished I walked to the sink and brushed my teeth before looking in the mirror. Pregnancy was amazing but at the same time it was draining. It felt like all I do is throw up constantly. And, that's what I hate the most.

Walking back into my bedroom, I picked up the flat iron that had burned the rug. "Fuck, I'ma have to just get a new one." I shrugged, unplugging it and placing it back down on the black towel. "Now what to wear." I sighed, rumbling through the full sized closet.

Ten minutes into looking for something, I just decided on a basic black sundress. With some matching sandals of course. I would've did more but, I don't think that's necessary. I grabbed my phone from my dresser and went to his contact.


hey, i'm omw to greystone.

u late. been waiting on you for a whole hour girl. 🤦🏽‍♂️

sorry. your child ain't wanna let me get ready in peace. IM COMING!


After that long ass ride to say I was tired was an understatement. I was exhausted and I haven't even did anything yet. Stepping out of the car I quickly made my way into the restaurant. From the side I could see Isaiah sitting at a table all alone. I'm not sure why but, seeing his face again in person made me want to run out. It's not like the last time we seen each other ended on a good note, we both had anger in our eyes. That's the last thing I remember. It's stuck with me for two months.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I walked over to him with a smile on my face. "Hey."

He looked up at me and returned the smile, standing from his seat he embraced me in a hug. "Hey, baby. I've missed you two so much."

We pulled away from the hug and I sat from across of him. "I missed you too. What's been up? Anything new?"

"Remember I told you I got signed yesterday? Later on tonight I'ma actually go to the studio and put some shit out. See how people respond to it and shit."

"Ahh, that's amazing. I know how much you love rapping, I remember the first time I heard you spit some bars. That was our first date."

He chuckled. "Yeah, I remember that. You threatened me and had an attitude that whole night. Shit was smooth then."

"And then a couple weeks later I end up pregnant. You think we were moving too fast? I think we really should've used protection constantly until we really started to know each other."

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