chapter thirteen.

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It's been about a week since Domonique and I have spoken. After the that argument we had everything became so damaged between us. I'd admit things should've went down differently. I don't know how I plan on fixing things, but I'm going to try my best. Today she had a doctors appointment to see the baby, which were the only times we interact. I guess you could say this was my way of showing her I was making an effort to be in my child's life.

I pulled up to the health center and found a decent enough parking spot. Why wasn't she with me? She refuses to let me come pick her up, she either drives her own car or takes the bus. I don't bother her about it too much though, it only irritates her more and more. I got out of the truck and walked inside of the building. She was sitting in the back, legs crossing and fiddling with her fingers. This was something she's always done when we have appointments.

Walking over to her, I sat beside her. "Hey. How you feeling? Anything new been happening?"

"Hey." She said dryly, not looking up from her fingers. "Besides throwing up everything I digest, nothing is new."

I nodded and that was the conversation. It was more than she's said in a while. As much as I want to tell her I'm sorry for everything, my pride isn't bringing me to do so. Plus, I'm still fucking Tiara so until that stops nothing would be said. On top of that, people around school are getting suspicious about Domonique being pregnant. We've decided on saying she's just gaining weight but, it'll be a minute before that lie comes to light.

"Domonique Knowels? The doctor is ready for you now." A nurse spoke, holding the door open.

We both got up and followed the nurse through the door to the room we were assigned. "The doctor will be with you in a second." She said before exiting the room leaving us alone, again.

Domonique hopped up on the table and I sat beside her in the chair. It was quiet again. The way she was fiddling with her fingers even more I could tell she had something to say. But I knew she wouldn't. A few minutes passed before the doctor knocked and walked in.

"How are you all doing today?" Doctor King, smiled at the both of us.

She finally looked up with a small smile. "I'm doing fine. I'm just a tad bit tired."

"Sleeping is your friend when your pregnant babydoll. You aren't stressing her out too much are you dad?" King looked at me also with a smile on her face.

I chuckled and shook my head. "Nah. I would hope that I'm not."

Although, I'm very sure that I was stressing her out just by breathing at this point. It's only been a week.

"Well, are you ready to see the baby? You should be hitting that eight weeks mark pretty soon." King began lifting up Domonique's shirt a bit, squirting the blue liquid on her stomach. "The baby has a tiny nose now, the inside and outside of its ears are beginning to form."

"Is my baby breathing?" Domonique softly asked.

King nodded. "Part of the baby's lungs are actually functioning well. You'll be hearing the heartbeat for the first time today."

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