chapter thirty one.

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( march 2nd. )

( changed domonique's mother name.)

"Alright, ma. Everything you need is inside of the diaper bag. I won't be gone for long, I can't believe I'm about to leave my baby." Domonique spoke, placing the carseat on the couch. "And could you not have people around her? I'm not comfortable with your friends."

I nodded. "Don't worry now. I got everything and won't nobody be up in here. Go ahead and help Isaiah recover."

"Call me if you need anything!" She smiled, removing the blanket from the carseat and carefully unstrapping the small infant, pulling her out of the seat. "Have fun with grandma, baby."

Reaching my arms out, I waited until she placed Skylar into my hands. "Oh hi there grandma baby!" I softly spoke, glancing up seeing Domonique leave the house.

Right when the door shut some siren must've went off because, Skylar immediately started crying. It was like a switch went off and she knew she wasn't with her mama. I stood up from the couch and started rocking her back and forth. Unfortunately, I never experienced this with Domonique. I'd be high from something or drunk and that would usually drown her cries out. I wasn't going to do that to Skylar though. I made a promise to be the best grandmother ever and that's what I plan on doing.

( 10 minutes later. )

"Skylar, Skylar! If you keep crying your going to make yourself sick now." I sighed, still rocking her back and forth walking around the living room. "You want your bottle? That's what the problem must be."

Walking into the kitchen I opened the fridge with my freehand and pulled out one of the bottles. Taking the bottle back into the living room, I sat on the couch and carefully gave her the bottle. Her cries stopped just like that. Next thing I knew the phone started ringing. I thought it would be Domonique but it wasn't.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Is Domonique there with you?" The males voice came through the phone. It was Nasir. Him and Domonique haven't spoken in a while according to what she's told me.

"No, she isn't. She's at the hospital with Isaiah."

He cleared his throat and his tone got more serious. "Isn't he dead?"

"No, he isn't. Why would he be dead Nasir?"

"You don't need to worry about that knowing you'll go mouthing off to Domonique. Speaking of her how is her pregnancy going?"

I bit the bottom of my lip not knowing if I should tell him about the baby or not. It wasn't my place to but then again, it's also his grandchild too. "I'll go mouthing off to Domonique about something that she would need to know? Were you planning something and it just happened to go wrong? And, she actually had the baby already. Her name is Skylar."

There was a moment of silence through the phone. We both didn't say anything. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"I'm coming to visit." He finally broke the silence.

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