chapter thirty two.

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( march 3rd. )


"If you need to go you can. Sky probably don't even wanna be in here anymore." I chuckled, sitting myself up slowly.

"No." Domonique shook her head with a smile. "We're fine. I'm sure she'd prefer to be here with her daddy anyways."

"Is that right now? You can read my baby mind now? Ain't that something."

"Damn right. She was growing inside of me so it's only right that I know what she's thinking."

Nodding my head in agreement, I slightly laughed. "You're right. But, I know a little more than you on this one."

"Oh shut up. Anyways, would you set your hoes straight and let them know Skylar is yours? They started a whole bunch of shit when I posted her."

"You posted her?"

"Yup." She nodded. "I couldn't resist, I haven't shown her face though. The only thing everyone knows is she looks more like me."

Nothing was ever Alexis' business if I was the father or not. I don't know why she would even comment shit under my daughter picture. Right when I get out this hospital it'll be over for her. I'm glad Tiara was respectful about it and kept her mouth shut.

"I'm not going to post her until a few months. It ain't everybody business that she's mine. They can believe what they want."

Rocking Skylar in her arms, she rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I'm not asking you to post her. I'm telling you to tell Alexis about her before we have bigger problems."

"We not about to arg—"

"We aren't." She snapped. "Not in front of Sky at least. What's going to happen when you get discharged? Are you going back with those females?"

I shrugged and looked up at her. "We ain't on good terms remember? Now Sky here so some shit gotta get worked out."

We never mended things between us after that argument. Shit become worst as time flew by. Arguments over social media and no contact with each other besides that. This was mainly my fault since I've never apologized to her. There's so much I need to apologize about actually. I still don't think that's going to happen though. With Skylar being here now we'd probably only suck it up for her. That's the only way.

"Things need to work out. I don't want Alexis and Tiara around my daughter, especially since Tiara tried to kill her."

"Ain't nobody gon' be around her man. We co-parenting and then we'll see how things go from there."

She shook her head, looking down at Skylar. "I don't know about that either. I don't want to let her out of my sight. I don't want anything happening to her."

"You think I'd let anything happen to her? She's my daughter too, Domonique. I wouldn't put her life in danger."

Domonique still doesn't know about me selling drugs. The only thing she's aware about is my upcoming rap career. And she's still hesitant about that. But I can't be dropping anything now that I have somebody to take care of. I wouldn't put our child in harms way though.

"Isaiah, I don't know. I just don't know, the people you roll with aren't necessarily good. I don't want them people around Sky." She sighed. "Look I need to go warm up a bottle. I'll be back then we'll finish this talk."

"You leaving her here?"

"No. She's coming with me." She grabbed the diaper bag and swung it around her arm, being careful to move Skylar out her way in the process.

I scoffed, shaking my head. "Can't even leave her with me, unbelievable."

She didn't say anything on her way out and just left. I don't understand why she acting like she can't trust me. Sure I haven't been the most faithful person in the world but, what does that have to do with me watching my daughter? In the hospital room at that. It don't make no sense. I laid back in the bed and turned my attention to the tv screen. These hospitals ain't never have nothing good rolling. I heard the door opening and thought it was Domonique.

"That was quick." I chuckled, now looking at the person who stood in the doorway. "Yo, what the fuck you here for?"

Nasir stood there with the most strict look on his face. What does this man even want.

He walked further into the room. "I thought I made it clear for you to stay away from my daughter."

"Ain't nobody tell her to come up here. That was her decision and she a grown ass woman at that to be making her own decisions."

"Aha, that car accident really should've killed you as planned young boy."

"You was the reason I got in that accident?" I shook my head and chuckled. "How you fail at trying to kill me pops? That's sad."

He shook his head. "I'm not done trying. That can all be avoided if you leave Domonique alone. Her and the baby. They don't need you at all."

"You want me to stay away from my daughter? Yeah, that shit won't happen so you just 'finna have to kill me."

"Won't be a problem. Watch your back before you end up like your father." He chuckled, turning around and exiting the room.

I wasn't scared of him one bit. Her father may be respected in the streets but around here he not. He might've killed my father but he's going to have a damn hard time trying to kill me.


sips tea and its unsweet.

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