chapter forty five.

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( one week later. )

"I can't believe I'm doing this again! The first time was hard enough, I don't even wanna look at it!" I paced back and forth around the room.

"Why don't y'all nasty asses just use protection? Is that so hard to do?" Ariana shook her head. "You know it ain't hard to get on birth control."

Alexis chuckled. "Now you know Nique his baby, he never going to use protection with that."

"I'ma fully agree with you on that one. But he still got some shit to come clean about, you know that." Ariana added. "But besides that why would you even think your pregnant? How many times did y'all...?"

I scratched my head and looked down at the floor. "Multiple times... in one day. All last week, he can't keep his hands off me."

"I-" Ariana and Alexis both looked at me shocked.

"Whaaat? Just check the stupid test already! Looking at me like I'm crazy."

Ariana waved me off, standing from the bed and walking into the bathroom. I finally sat down on the bed with Alexis. I held her hand as tight as I could. The first time I found out I was pregnant, she was the one that seen everything in the school bathroom. As much as she could've told the entire school my business, she didn't. Of course, we weren't friends or anything at that moment but she still had respect for my business. Not my relationship but definitely keeping that one thing private.

"And... you are indeed pregnant my honey, again. Run me my second niece or nephew." Ariana laughed, passing the test to me.

I looked down at it and managed to put a smile on my face. "I cant believe it. But, I really have to use the bathroom now so I'll be back."

I let go of Alexis' hand and walked out of the room. I walked down the hall into my bedroom and peeled around making sure Isaiah wasn't there. Once I realized I was alone, I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. The tears came running down almost instantly. Of course I was happy about welcoming another child into this world. But at first Isaiah didn't even want Skylar. What if he doesn't want this one? That whole pregnancy was hectic and out of control. I don't even know how I'm going to tell him about this one.

I don't know what I'm going to do at all. I'm scared all over again. Right when I heard the bedroom door close, I quickly pulled myself together wiping away the tears. The bathroom door opened up and Isaiah stood there with a smile on his face.

"What you in here all alone for? Ain't got no tv on or nothin', ain't everybody in Alexis room? Somethin' happened?"

I shook my head. "Nothing happened, Alexis just went to the bathroom so I came in here to use this one. Why you asking me so many questions."

"I'm just making sure you straight, shorty." He chuckled, walking towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Since you already in here why don't we..."

"Isaiah, no! I'm tired and my vagina ain't 'finna be working properly fucking around with you."

"You'll be fine. It'll be fine." He leaned down and started kissing my neck. "Oh, and I got court later on today."

"For what?"

"Child support." He mumbled.

I pushed him off of me and crossed my arms across my chest. "What was that? Say it louder."

"Child support, baby. They tryna' up the amount since I ain't been around to they kids." He shrugged. "But it ain't nothing though, I doubt the judge gon' do that shit."

"Really Isaiah? I told you that you at least need to be spending time with them kids."

"I would if you'd let me take Sky with me."

I shook my head, walking past him into the bedroom. "We already discussed this. I don't know not one of those bitches and they not about to be around my daughter."

The whole situation with Isaiah and his other kids was a never ending thing. These girls were calling for money almost every day and it's becoming a mess. Even though it was a MESS to begin with. This is another reason I don't want to tell him the news I just found out.

"You know Marie, y'all met that one time remember? And Sky is my child too that's what you keep forgetting."

"You mean the one who called me a trash ass bitch and you let her sit up there and disrespect me! Nah, fuck that. Yeah, she's your child too but I been the one busting my ass for her for three whole years alone."

He walked from out of the bathroom doorway and closer to me. "I wouldn't let anybody disrespect you and you know it. Y'all wasn't about to do that back and forth shit in front of my son. And why you keep throwing that shit in my face? You know damn well I would've taken care of her if I ain't go to jail. Shit, I was taking care of her before that."

"There you go lying! You saying how you wouldn't let anybody disrespect me but you did. I don't know if things are clicking up there but, if you don't remember you had me always looking stupid." I inched closet to him. "Barley. I was still doing shit on my own until you decided you wanted to be a fucking father."

"Domonique, we ain't doin' this shit. We can't never have a fucking conversation without you bringing up shit from the past. But that's all you know how to do! I owned up to my shit already, I don't need it constantly repeated."

"Man sh—"

Before I could get anything else out there was a light knock on the door and it slowly opened. There stood Skylar with tears in her eyes. We both walked over to her and Isaiah picked her up.

"What's wrong mama?" Isaiah asked, wiping away her tears.

"You two are fighting again." She sniffled.

My heart started breaking into a million pieces. "Aw, baby. Mommy and daddy are sorry we were just having a disagreement. It's okay."

He nodded. "We still love each other at the end of the day. You don't have to cry babygirl."

"No more fighting." She looked at us both seriously.

"Alright, no more fighting." We both said in unison with a smile on our faces.

There's so much more that needs to be discussed but, until I figure it out I'll keep it quiet.


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