chapter thirty three.

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( 1:15pm. )


Domonique and I sat in pure silence, the only thing that could be heard was Skylars' light snores. We haven't said a word to each other since her dad decided to threaten me. I was itching to tell her but at the same time would she believe me? Probably not. It doesn't matter if she doesn't fuck with her father, she still would take his side over mine anytime. I'm thinking of just taking him out honestly, she wouldn't have to know. He could've died of natural causes or some shit. I wouldn't care as long as it don't get me locked up for it. I'd hate to go to jail for a old weak nigga.

The more I was thinking about the situation, the more angry I was getting as the minutes passed. Him telling me to stay away from Domonique was one thing but, telling me to stay away from my daughter is where he messed up. Ain't nothing or nobody in this world will keep me away from her. All that other shit is for the birds. I was finally gaining the courage to tell her what was up. I turned my head to look at her and seen she was in a deep gaze with Skylar. They looked so good together, I'd do anything to have them back as a family. First, it's going to take me gaining Domonique's trust back which is going to be hard as fuck. I think I'm capable of doing it though... I just have to work really, really hard and then maybe she'll take me back.

"We need to talk." I spoke, breaking the silence between us.

Her head looked up in my direction and she adjusted Skylar on her chest. "I'm listening."

"There's a possibility you won't believe me but your father came by, when you went to fix Skylar a bottle."

"And why would he come see you? From what I recall he doesn't want anything to do with you."

I shrugged. "He told me to stay away from you and Skylar. Now I don't know what your pops is smoking but if he thinks a car crash is going to get rid of me, you better wake his ass the fuck up. You need to get him checked before his brains get blown out, Nique."

"Isaiah, what the fuck?" She shook her head. "Are you serious right now? Why would my father get you in a car accident? He doesn't have to stoop that low to someone he dislikes. Blow his brains out? Now you the one that's talking out your neck."

"Why would I lie about this shit? You think I'ma sit up here and lie to you about what this nigga said? I knew you was going to take his side regardless of anything."

"Just because you were strung out on drugs and decided to fucking drive doesn't mean you go blaming this shit on him! You can't ever own up to your mistakes." She snapped. "It's time to stop lying all the fucking time and be truthful. I wouldn't be taking his side if I could believe anything you saying out your mouth. Remember you fucked up this whole trust situation? Just like you do everything else."

I let out a small chuckled. "Back up there now, I fuck up everything? Let's not forget how you was up in Amir face that day we had an argument and how you so magically end up with his bitch ass now. Fuck are you saying? We equally fucked shit up, don't be blaming shit on me."

"Oh, Isaiah please! Cut the bullshit." Her voice was beginning to get louder, causing Skylar to wake up slowly. "Instead of calling me out for some weak shit, let's talk about how you had the nerve to put your hands on me while I was pregnant. Then you tried to deny that she was even yours. You stepping out of line so bad right now."

"Did I or did I not tell you to get the fuck out? If you would've left without all that mouth we wouldn't had no fucking problems. And, lower your voice before you wake my daughter up with that shit."

She quickly stood up from the chair, shaking her head. "I can't believe you right now. You think that shit is alright? You've got to be kidding me." Skylar began crying loudly and Domonique tried her best by rocking her side to side. "Fuck you, Isaiah."

For a moment, I forgot about everything. I blanked out completely.

"Get the fuck out and take that screaming ass baby with you. Don't come back up here no fucking more, yo."

The look on her face was completely shocked, some tears managed to fall onto her cheeks as she quickly grabbed the diaper bag. I had just realized what I said. I wanted to take it back but there was no taking words back. I didn't say anything, I sat there and watched them leave. I really fucked up.


( 8:30pm. )

I sat there in the living room staring into space. Why would he say something like that? What was the point of that argument? There were things that didn't need to be said. I said I would never argue in front of Skylar and that is exactly what happened. I was disappointed in myself as a mother to even let it go that far. I wasn't happy with myself one bit.

"I put Skylar to bed, you wanna talk about what's going on now?" Amir spoke, taking a seat beside me on the couch.

"He said take that screaming ass baby with you..." I felt my eyes began getting watery, as I repeated word for word what he said. "It didn't dawn on him for a second to remember that screaming baby was his daughter. How could an argument result in something like that coming out?"

He sighed, pulling me close to him. "I haven't got along with dude at all and it'd be crazy for me to say this but, he didn't mean it. The week you two weren't talking that nigga was excited to tell everybody you was pregnant with his child. Although, he shouldn't have been telling people he seemed real happy. Things between you two went left but don't ever drag that baby in it. He was wrong but again, he didn't mean it."

"That's surprising coming from you. But, he didn't say anything afterwards. Isaiah always says something to cover his ass right after, this time it was nothing so I really don't know."

"Don't stress yourself out over it." He kissed my forehead softly. "Everything is going to fall in place soon, be patient. Right now the only thing you have to do is worry about Skylar, nobody else baby."

"I guess so."


this chapter is specially dedicated to @iicypostz , who's been reading since this morning. i'm shook as hell about this and people like you give me the motivation to keep writing this book. thank you so much. ❤️

i may be the author but, isaiah needs his ass beat. sorry not sorry. also, i'm taking down the characters list this weekend to revise it and add to it.

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