chapter forty one.

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( 2:30pm. )

"I want y'all to explain to me why that lil nigga not in jail no more?" I sternly spoke to the group of men in front of me. "Somebody better get the talking or else we having problems."

"They ain't have no proof to keep him in there." Jordan confessed. "And they searched everywhere looking for that gun but never found it. The only thing they could confirm is that Izzy was the last person that seen Nicholas before he died."

I shook my head. "Those officers dumb as hell, all signs point to him being the murderer. But it's alright I have another idea in mind."

"What were you thinking?"

"It's his time. If he won't stay away from my daughter and granddaughter then it's over. Call up Shaun and have him set everything up, let that Izzy character know he has about nine more days to live."

Jordan raised his eyebrow. "Don't you think this too extreme? That's basically having Skylar grow up without a father and you know Domonique doesn't want that happening."

"She'll be fine without him. That boy is nothing but bad news, his father wasn't nothing but bad news. It runs in the family and he hasn't proven that he's worthy of being with my daughter."

"You aren't going to give him the chance to?"

"That's enough, Jordan. Do what I said so this process could speed up."

With me having nothing more to say, I stepped out of the small room and looked out of the window. It's time for me to step up on doing my job. This whole Domonique and Isaiah situation should've never happened. I will be the one that makes sure it gets fixed though... believe me.


( may 1st. )

"You got the drip like yo' daddy, girl." I laughed, helping place the pink sweater on Skylar. "I don't know why your mother got you all these designer ass clothes though."

"Oooo! Daddy said bad word!" She cupped both of her hands over her mouth.

I threw on a surprised look. "And we aren't going to tell mommy okay? Because snitches get stitches and I'm not raising no snitch."

"If I get candy, I won't."

"I got you." I nodded. "Now let's get a few pictures and surprise mommy to how I got you dressed."

Skylar and I bonded the entire day yesterday. Once she warmed up to me everything fell into place. She's my whole heart and I couldn't imagine things without her. I still haven't apologized to what I said to Domonique yet. I was just upset and didn't know what to say to anything at that moment. It took me a whole day to realize that I do need to be in Skylar's life. And she might even does need to know her other siblings.




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