chapter sixteen.

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Saturday. 10.20


"So, everything with the baby is fine? How did Nicholas even know you were pregnant shit, nobody knows." Capri spoke, throwing herself across the bed.

I nodded. "Yup, it shouldn't be though. Since I'm not that far along the baby should've got killed, I guess whatever drugs that were in there along with it didn't let it work. But, Alexis seen me drop the pregnancy test that one day in the bathroom." I sighed. "I don't know if she seen what it said or not, that's the only bitch that would try and do some grimmy shit."

"Does that bitch live to ruin your life or some shit?"

"I been asking myself the same question. But, Isaiah said he was going to handle it so I'ma try and stay calm."

She raised her brow. "Handle it how? I'm surprised you two are back cool again."

"I don't know. And, we ain't cool. He apologized and all but I still don't believe him. When he actually proves he's sorry, I'll believe him."

"Finally using that brain of yours, I see. I'm proud of you. This little baby is going to be so blessed having you as a mother."

"I could only hope so." I smiled. "You have any plans for the day?"

"Nah. I think we'll just sit here and enjoy some movies. Plus, I need to get you caught up with all this school work!"

"Mention the devil why don't you." I laughed.


"You sure this what you wanna do, bro?" Judah asked, looking over toward me.

I nodded. "Definitely. He did it to himself, he should've known I would find out."

Right now we were outside of Nicholas's home. I was about to do something out of anger. A part of me would regret it later on but, I didn't care. He tried to kill my child and now I'm going to try to kill him. Except, I won't be trying because it will happen. Tucking the gun inside the waistband of my jeans, we both got out of my truck.

We walked up to his front door and knocked. I took a minute to look around seeing his mom and dad weren't home. It sucks they'll come back home to a dead son. The door opened, he looked extremely shocked to see us.

"What y'all doing here?" He questioned.

"You know why we here." I spoke, barging into the house. "You thought you was slick?"

Judah closed the door behind me and stood by it. "This shit 'bout to be hilarious."

"The fuck are you talking about?" Nicholas asked, still confused. "I ain't do shit."

It was bothering me how much he thought this was a game. "You tried dragging, Domonique. Don't play that dumb shit."

"Oh." He chuckled. "It worked didn't it? Well, Tiara came up with the plan. However, I acted on it for her."

So, Tiara had something to do with it too? That's all I needed to hear. I reached my hand back and reached for the gun.

"The hell are you reaching for, Izzy? You ain't got shit back there."

That's what he thought at least. I pulled the gun out of my waistband and fired at him. Headshot. Didn't miss. His body fell to the ground and I was satisfied.

I turned back to Judah. "Let's get out of here, I got some shit to hand with Tiara."

Won't nobody fuck with my baby and get away with it.


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