chapter twenty.

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"I don't think that baby wanna keep eating chips and ranch dip. Is that even healthy for the lil thing? Why don't you munch on some carrots instead." Jordan chuckled, entering into the large sized living room.

I looked up at him from the bag of lays. "They love it! This is our favorite snack, the alien doesn't beat my ass when I'm eating this." I laughed. "Seven more months to go I can't wait to stop throwing up every single piece of food."

"You two gon' have to get another snack. Try eating some real food and see if they like it. Don't rush it too much, you know you enjoying this pregnancy."

"It's alright. My feet are starting to swell up, I'ma take over the form as a whale sooner or later."

He walked over to the couch taking a seat beside me. "Let me rub them for you. I got some things to ask you anyways."

"All of a sudden I'm scared now." I moved from the criss cross position I was in and stretched my legs across his.

"Aight, about the baby father wh—"

I should've known he was going to ask some shit like that. In these past two months, I was living an Isaiah free life and I was perfectly fine with that. Nothing about him has crossed my mind at all. Although, I did try and get in contact with him for our baby's sake. But he never replied to any of my calls or texts so, I stopped trying. I'm not going to force anyone to be there when they clearly don't want to.

Ever since that night happened I ended up moving with my father and sister to San Diego. My dad thought it would be best for me to be away from Isaiah. I don't know what made him think that but, I didn't complain about it at the time. Monroe still doesn't know the baby is Isaiah's. The only thing she knows is that I'm pregnant and I don't have no intentions telling her everything else. Ariana has become something like a little sister to me and I couldn't have been more thankful for her. Judah also has become an older brother to me, him and Ariana have came to every single appointment.

On top of that I'm still not understanding why he's mad at me for something my father did to his. Whatever happened had nothing to do with me. Nor would it ever have anything to do with me. As much as I want things to be cool between us I know it won't. I've come to accept that but the door is still open if he wants to come around — as a different person that is.

Coming back in contact with our conversation, I remembered what I was going to say. "Whatever you have to ask... don't ever ask it again or bring it up at any time."

He nodded. "What does dude even look like? I've known you for too long to think you'd just end up pregnant by anybody."

I grabbed my phone and went into the Instagram app. This is something I didn't want to do but, at the same time I wasn't the type to make fake pages to be lurking. With that being said I went to my block list and unblocked him.




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𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐀_𝐈𝐙𝐙𝐘: designer wit' a rocket and the bitch luv it. 🚀

𝙰𝙻𝙴𝚇𝙸𝚂𝚂𝙺𝚈domonique stupid for leaving you. 😂
𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐀_𝐈𝐙𝐙𝐘: @ 𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚡𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚔𝚢 chill on that shit yo.
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐎: @𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚡𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚔𝚢 i might be two months pregnant but i still won't hesitate to beat the fuck outta you bitch. 🤷🏽‍♀️
𝙽𝙾𝚂𝙴𝚈𝙱𝙸𝚃𝙲𝙷𝟷whats tea? heard you still fucking w somebody who tried killing ur seed.
𝙳𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙸𝙰𝚁𝙰that's my baby. 😍

( 𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴𝙳𝙾𝙼𝙾 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙱𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙷𝚄𝙽𝚃𝙰_𝙸𝚉𝚉𝚈 )


"That Alexis girl really been trying it with you lately huh?" He asked, massaging the bottoms of my foot lightly.

"She always has. It's sad she's so obsessed with me, bitch created a fake page and all just to see if she could find out about Isaiah being the father. I don't know whats wrong with her but I hope she gets help."

"Damn, shit really do be tough for you." He chuckled. "But why him? What the hell was you seeing in that nigga?"

"I was moving too fast, we barely took anytime to get to know each other and now look at us. We have a baby on the way and aren't even together or on speaking terms. Whatever I seen in him is gone, I don't even think it'll come back. He really has to prove himself to me. And, yeah we used to threaten each other like crazy but I never thought he'd actually get so mad and actually push me to the ground. Especially with me being with his child — he even tried to deny that you know? The second or third day I found out I was pregnant he was out fucking some dirty ass first love of his." At this point tears began trickling down my cheeks. "There's been so much pain in my heart since I met that boy. Between dealing with my mom and his shit it would've drove me insane. But, I can't help it that I truly love that boy. Nothing is ever going to stop me from loving him. The first day I laid eyes on him I knew he was going to take me on a rollercoaster and that's exactly what's happening. It's my decision if I want to continue this or just jump off. Right now? I don't know what I'm going to do."

Right when Jordan was about to say something my phone rang. There was no caller ID, I didn't know if I wanted to answer it. I looked at it for a while until it stopped ringing. I didn't think it would ring again but it did. I picked the phone up and clicked the green button. It completely shocked me who was on the other side.

"Domonique... it's me Isaiah."

I don't have anything to say to him... I don't know what to say to him...

( next one will be full of drama. )

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