chapter twenty five.

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( decemeber 20th. )


"Amir is coming over today. I'd figured that you two have some time to speak. It's been a while since I've seen you both together anyways." Nasir spoke, leaning on the wall beside my bedroom door.

Groaning I looked at him through the small crack I had made in between my covers. "For what? I don't think we need to see each other."

"I don't remember asking you what you thought. I'm telling you he's coming over and when he does I want you two to have an actual conversation. Get out that bed and get dressed already, Domonique,"

"I'm tired! I don't need to be waking up for some irrelevant person who has no meaning in my life anymore. Let me sleep, please!"

"That's perfectly fine, don't get up. I'll just make sure he knows to come in here instead since it looks like you have no interest of getting up, ever." He shook his head, leaning up from the wall and exiting the room.

In all honesty, I didn't want to be bothered at all today the only thing that was on my mind was sleep. This was mainly because, I got home so late from seeing Izzy. I don't know how much longer I can do this whole sneaking around shit, it's starting to wear me out slowly. There has to be a more simpler way of seeing each other. Maybe I'm just going to have to confess the truth to my father, I don't care what he'll say either. It's my life and the last thing he's going to do is try to control it. All the worries left my mind quick though, I found myself falling right back sound asleep.


"You still knocked out? Damn, Nas must've really woke you up super early."

Upon hearing the raspy deep voice, I woke out of the deep sleep I was in. Removing the covers from my face there stood Amir. I don't know what it was but, immediately my lady parts started tingling. It's been a while since we've seen each other and it was almost like he's grown finer as time grew on. I'm not sure if drool is coming out of the corner of my mouth right now but I'm for sure staring hard as hell.

He raised his eyebrow. "People usually speak back when spoken to, you don't just gotta stare."

"My fault." I chuckled, clearing my throat I sat myself up on the bed. "Uh, how have you been? It feels like we haven't seen each other for years."

"It's been months. I've been good though nothing to complain about I heard you was pregnant and had to come see for myself. And, I seen Izzy a couple days ago so I figured you'd be around."

"I guess word does spread fast around here." I chuckled, removing the covers from my body revealing my belly, I motioned for him to come over and sit beside me. "Maybe I could get the little peanut to do something for you."

He laughed, taking his jacket off and sitting beside me. "You know if it's a girl or boy?" He spoke looking down at my belly.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure yet but, I'm hoping it's a girl. You should come to the gender reveal, it's on Christmas Eve." I said with a small smile, grabbing his hand and placing it on my stomach, moving it around. "The little one should be awake."

I continued moving his hand around my stomach until I finally felt a strong kick. "You felt that?"

"Yeah. You got a strong one in there."

I nodded with a smile. It had just dawned on me that I never got to do this with Isaiah. He never even got a chance to feel our baby — he never even asked to matter of fact. But here comes Amir and he actually wants to know about the baby. It's crazy how things end up happening, originally me and Amir had plans on having a baby together and look where I'm at now. The more I stared at him rubbing around my belly the more I started to slowly feel bad.

"Amir..." I started. "I'm sorry for everything, I shouldn't have never kicked you to the side and most importantly I should've listened to you when you warned me about Isaiah."

He looked up at me with the most confused look on his face. "You don't have to apologize, Nique. I understand why you did what you did, simply because you had fell in deep already. It's fine."

A small smile formed across my face and at that moment I don't know what happened. We looked each other in the eyes and all of a sudden sparks were sent flying around us. He leaned in and so did I. Neither of us thought to pull away from the other. The one thing I vowed myself never to do was have sex with somebody else I wasn't pregnant by. It would be extremely disrespectful towards Isaiah or whoever. But, I found myself breaking that rule... in the heat of the moment of course.

sorry for the lateness! college be draining the life out of me.

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