chapter six.

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this chapter contains a small sex scene, skip over it if you aren't mature. — ✨

Thursday, August 31.17


"MAMA, YOU GOTTA GET UP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

My mother was passed out on the bathroom floor. The last time this happened, I was sent to live with a friend for months. I needed her to wake up so this could be prevented. Things weren't looking so pretty. Although, I blamed her for every little thing that went wrong in life, I hated seeing her this way.

She wasn't waking up anytime soon. Knowing what I had to do, I walked out of the bathroom and into her room. Under her bed was a small shoebox contained with heroine and meth in small baggies. It was a must to hide these things or else she'd be in jail. I dumped everything out of the shoebox, walking back into the bathroom and flushing it down the toilet.

Now that was done it was time to call the police. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed 911.

"Hello? My mom had an overdose, could you please send somebody quick?"

They responded with the same thing as usual, someone was on the way. For the time being I sat there and just looked at her. She used to be the prettiest woman alive until the drugs got to her. It completely messed up her face, she looked older than she was. No part of her looked fit. I know this time they'll take her into rehab where she'll get the help she needs.

ten minutes later.

The police came knocking on the door and I got up from the floor letting them in. Paramedics placed her on a stretcher and took her out. Of course, the police decided to go on a search and start looking for the drugs. They never find anything, thanks to me. The person I least expected to see came through the doors. MONROE BROOKS, my lovely "case worker" she's been dealing with me since my father went to jail. Even though she's a pain sometimes, she's the closest thing I've had to a fit mother.

"Since your older now you don't have to go into the system. But, you do need somewhere to stay. Your father wouldn't want you staying in this neighborhood alone." She sighed.

"My sister is in town but, she's only here for a few weeks. I don't think that's long enough, I don't even know if I'll have somewhere to stay."

"I think I have an idea." Her face went from a frown back up to the smile she always had. "You can stay with me. Maybe you could even influence my kids to be better people."

I chuckled. "Thanks, I'd love to. I'll go pack up some things and then I'll be right back."



SCHOOL WASN'T THE move today or else I would've punched Amir even more. Since my mother was at work she didn't really know I stayed home. But it didn't really matter, all she wants me to do is graduate. She never said I couldn't skip a couple of times. I heard the door begin opening and looked at the time.

She shouldn't be coming home until another few hours. Something must've happened, I grabbed the bowl of cereal and walked out into the living room. I nearly dropped the whole bowl on the carpet seeing Domonique behind her.

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