chapter thirty five.

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( march 28th. )


"Babe, could you do me a favor and pick up some things from my mom? She said she had something she wanted to give Sky but, I'm still debating if I want her to see Sky again after that incident. And, I don't think you've ever met my mother so this'll be a good time for you two to met."

"Woah, woah. How about I take Sky with me? That'll give you time to get situated and your mom could see her for a bit. You won't have nothing to worry about, I won't take my eye off of her." I suggested.

She bit the side of her lip before letting out a sigh. "Fine. But, don't stay that long I don't want to be away from my baby forever."

"Don't worry, we'll be back quick." I walked over to the couch that was fully guarded by pillows and picked her up carefully. "Ain't that right mama?"

I grabbed her car seat with my free hand and placed it on top of the couch. Gently placing her inside I made sure she was strapped in nice and tight.

"Here you go. There's three bottles in there for her put them right inside of the fridge once you get there. Please don't forget, 'cause there's no milk pouring out of your nips to feed her." She chuckled, handing me over the pink diaper bag.

Taking the bag from her, I swung it around my shoulder. "I ain't about to forget. You saying this like you won't drive down there just to feed her if I was to forget."

"That's not the point of my statement. The point was that you being an responsible parent WILL make sure her bottles get put in that refrigerator."

"You're absolutely right." I nodded, throwing one of the blankets over the car seat and picking it up. "See ya' later, get some sleep." I leaned down a bit and pecked her cheek.

"That's what I was going to do anyways." She smiled.

I walked out of the house and to the car to get everything settled. Once Skylar was fully secured, I double checked the small mirror we had placed above the seat, so I could see her perfectly while I drove. After that hassle, I quickly jogged to the drivers seat and got in pulling out of the driveway.

Ever since Domonique and myself had that talk things have been different. I spend most of my time with her twenty four seven now. We're always together besides the times I have to go out and make some money for us. She still doesn't know that I sell drugs on the low. I don't plan on telling her either, she just needs to know I'm working towards my rap career to quit the drugs. We haven't been arguing about anything though, I can only hope it'll stay that way.

( 5:30pm. )

I pulled up to the small condo and got out, unstrapping the car seat along with grabbing the diaper bag. I could feel her starting to kick the seat indicating she was awake and about to start hell. Walking up the steps to the front door I knocked on it twice. Two minutes later, the door swung open and I couldn't believe who it was.

"Izzy?" Her eyes widened and she looked confused. "What are you doing here? I don't have any mo—"

I stopped her right there. "Domonique is my girl, we made Skylar together. If I would've known you was her mama, I wouldn't have been selling to you."

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