chapter twenty two.

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( december 4th. )


"And then you'll get it, get it, hit it, hit it, flip it, flip, flit it you make me say oh! oh!" I stood in the mirror dancing around, rubbing my belly in circles.

Despite the conversation Isaiah and I had last night it wasn't going to bring my mood down. I woke up in such great spirits. Nothing was going to ruin today period. My music was being interrupted from the constant dings coming from my phone.


ARI. 🦄
i think you need to talk to Izzy.

ARI. 🦄
he isn't headed down the right path..

ARI. 🦄
seen him today and caught him doing some kind of drug. not sure what it was but, i caught him with the needle in his arm. i don't know how long he's been doing this... maybe if he sees you he could stop.

seriously??? wtf man.

what do you want me to do?? i'm scared myself now! ughhh.

ARI. 🦄
i don't know but there must be something you can think of. you're my only hope.

i'll think of something..


With this information she just flat out gave to me I didn't know what to do. There was nothing in my head that was clicking. What was his reasons in doing this? Nothing used to be wrong with him. I don't know what's going on and I don't know what happened within those two months. I was shocked and confused at the same time. Taking a deep breathe I threw my phone to the bed and exited my room.

Jordan and my father were in the kitchen talking about whatever. Thankfully, I hadn't walked all the way in yet so they didn't notice me. I crochet down as best as I could and listened to the conversation they were having.

"Are you sure you know what your doing? I don't even want to be a father there's still things out there that I want to do." Jordan angrily spoke.

Nasir shrugged, leaning against the kitchen counter. "Well that's too bad son. I don't want my angel near that sorry excuse of a man. He isn't even a man — that boy. If anything she should be with you, with you that baby can be raised the correct way."

"See that's exactly what I don't want to participate in this whole scheme you set. This isn't fair to Domonique, it's her life let her chose who she wants to be with. I mean it's already chosen, when I was talking to her about him last night she got real emotional. She loves that boy, Nas."

"If you want to back out of it then that's fine. I'll get rid of him the easy way."

Jordan shook his head. "I'll get back to you on my decision but from now on I'm chilling and just thinking."

I should've known my father had something up his sleeve. Things were too calm around here anyways. I completely lost my balance and ended up falling onto the floor, catching their attention.

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