chapter seven.

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Friday, 09.17


LOUD MUSIC BLASTED from the bathroom waking me out of my sleep. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and sat up. It took me a minute to realize I was still in Domonique's room. After last night, I thought I went back to mine I guess not. Looking around for the clock I seen it was almost time for school, but of course I wasn't going. The headache I was having wasn't worth it.

"You're awake." She spoke, stepping out of the bathroom with a peach towel wrapped around her body.

Sitting myself up, I looked at her with my eyes low as hell. "I get to wake up to this every morning?"

"No. But, after last night maybe you can."

"Word? Get over here then and come get some more."

She laughed, adjusting the towel around her tighter. "Isaiah we have school..."

Throwing the covers from my body, I stood to my feet. Ignoring what she was saying, I walked towards her and pulled her close. It wasn't long before my lips came in contact with her neck. Those same moans from last night escaped from her lips, only softer this time. From her neck I moved to her lips and her arms wrapped around my neck. My hands slipped down to her legs as I lifted her up, wrapping them around my waist.

Without breaking the kiss I carried her back towards the bed, laying her down. Right when I started to remove her towel, my mother busted in the room. We quickly split from one another and she sat herself up, gripping the towel tightly again. This lady don't ever know how to knock! Ain't that what the door for anyways?

"Isaiah, downstairs now!" She sternly said. "Dominique finished getting dressed and get going"

I could tell from the look on my mama face she was disappointed. I didn't even bother on saying anything, just proceeded to walk downstairs as I was told. Taking a seat on the couch I sat there wondering what she was going to say. There's endless possibilities. I needed to think of some kind of explanation and fast.

My mother came walking downstairs with a more calmer look on her face. "Isaiah. Listen to me and hear me clearly, that girl has been through hell and back. I brought her here so she could get some of that stress off of her. What I don't need you doing is being all in her room treating her like one of these hoes out here. For years I've watched you dog out multiple women and have them leaving this house in tears. You aren't going to do that with her. Realize she's almost like my daughter therefore, as a young man you will treat her with the upmost respect. Do you understand me, Isaiah?"

It wasn't often that I'd hear these talks come from her. Usually, she'd let me do whatever and didn't really say much about it. This was different she was making me sound just like my father. And I hated every bit of it. He never did anything besides dog women and I never realized I was doing the same thing. If I wanted to be with Domonique I was going to have to clean up my act first.

But, I don't see that happening right now.

"I understand." I simply said. "You won't catch anything like that happening again, I promise."

She nodded. "Alright. I won't be having this talk with you ever again. Since you aren't going to school you can do her the favor of taking her."

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