chapter forty four.

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( 12:15 )

It took me about five minutes to find my fathers contact in my phone. I rarely use it now but I don't ever remember it being that hard to find. I kept going over what I was going to say in my mind. Should I beat around the bush? Or do I just get to the point right away? Why am I even calling him honestly? I'd be better off speaking to him in person. It's been a whole since I've seen him anyways. That's what I was going to do for sure.

I tucked my phone into my back pocket and stood up from the bed. I slipped my feet into the black fur slides and walked out into the hallway, downstairs. Once I reached the end of the steps I peeped Isaiah and Skylar getting ready to go somewhere.

"And where are y'all headed off to?" I asked, walking into the living room.

Skylar's head popped up with the hugest smile on her little face. "THE MALL! Daddy said he's going to get me some new toys!"

"Oh really? Is that true?"

"The only way to get her to go with me. You know she stubborn like you." Isaiah laughed, standing up from his crouched position. "Where you going?"

"Nowhere important. I just need to go handle something right quick."

"Well go on and handle your shit then boss lady. Let's see who gets back here first."

I grabbed my keys from the coffee table and chuckled. "You won't make it out that mall early with her. I'll be waiting on y'all to get back."

"We'll see about that."

I shook my head and turned around heading out the door. And now it's time to get things straight and figure out if something is really going on or not.

( 1:15pm. )

Arriving to his home which was now located on the other side of Georgia, I parked on the curb. As much as I wanted to turn around, I wasn't going to. I stepped out of my car and walked up to the front door. I knocked twice before he finally answered.

"Domonique? Babygirl, it's been so long come on in." He smiled.

I returned the small smile and walked inside, standing in the middle of the foyer. "I'm not here to stay for long, I just needed to ask you something."

"What's going on?" He closed the door and turned around to look at me. "Did something happen?"

"Yeah, actually. Earlier I had this weird dream that you murdered Isaiah. I wanted to ask if anything was going on between you two? If there is could it please be fixed? I know Isaiah isn't the best but Skylar really needs him. I don't want her growing up without him being there."

He seemed hesitant to respond but he shook it off quickly. "No sweetheart. There's nothing going on you just had yourself a nightmare. It must've been something you ate before going to sleep."

"Are you lying to me? I'm not taking this shit lightly when it's involving my child."

"Domonique, no. Me and the boy don't have anything going on. I left everything back the way it was and it'll stay that way. I promise you that."

"I don't know if I truly trust you on this. I'm hoping that you really aren't lying. But that's all I came down here for, thanks."

He sighed. "Are you going to bring Skylar around sometime?"

"Not sure about that yet but, I'll let you know if I decide to."


( 3:35pm. )

"Sky, you done brought everything in every store. What else more could you possibly want?"

"Don't give her no ideas now." Judah chimed in.

We've been in almost every store and she's been blowing cash fast. It's hard to say no to that little face of hers. I was hopping and praying that she'd get tired and be out like a light. If she doesn't I'd never get to what I came here for.

"Daddy? I'm tired." Skylar stopped her walking and turned towards me with her arms raised.

I passed the bags that I was holding to Judah and picked Skylar up, placing her on my side letting her rest her head. "Finally."

"Now to what we really brought our asses here for." Judah chuckled.

We walked around for a good five minutes before entering the jewelry store. There weren't many people around which was a good thing.

"Which ring you thinking about getting?"

"Shit, I don't even know. I need the biggest one though, she deserves it with the way she been putting up with my shit."

He shook his head. "Damn right. You sure you wanna go through with this bro?"

"Without a doubt. If I die everyone knows she wasn't left as one of my baby mamas. With her it was official, she was my future wife."

"You gotta stop saying shit like that. That nigga ain't got the heart to kill you and you know it."

"Don't nobody know nothing but God and that's just that." I walked up to one of the stands and glanced over them before laying my eyes on the biggest one. "That's the one right there."

I wasn't dying as her BABYFATHER our love is something different. We together until the end — even if my ending is coming sooner than expected.

this book is almost over and i'm sad. — i'm updating this whole week so it'll probably be done by then. ):


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