chapter twelve pt. 2

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"HIS NAME ISAIAH and he ain't nothin' like these other niggas. I wish you'd believe me." Rolling my eyes, I leaned against the hood of the car.

GISELLE shook her head. "I know who he is Domonique. Daddy and his father had beef way before our time, he ain't no good girl. He already got you pregnant what's next? Is he going to abandon you and the baby? Is he even being faithful to you? Are you using your brain at this point?"

Right now Giselle was coming at my neck in every way possible. But, I didn't blame her she was just doing her job as an older sister. She only wanted the best for me and this wasn't something she wanted just now. And, she wasn't expecting to be hearing this news when all she did was come to see if I was doing okay. There was barely anything I could say back to her, because she was slightly right.

"I haven't told him yet! But, I think he knows the pregnancy test wasn't in my trash this afternoon and he was gone. I don't think he'll abandon us and of course he's played other females but I don't think he'll do that to me."

"See, you don't even know! Do you hear what your saying, you keep using that think word. Thinking isn't enough, I need you to be sure. I'm going to have to tell daddy about this, and he isn't going to be happy about it." She sighed. "But, I have to meet this boy first. You know where he is?"

"I'll be sure enough soon that's something you don't have to worry about. I don't think telling daddy is necessary! You know he's going to start a war." Shaking my head, I scoffed. "I don't know, I'll ask his brother."

Standing from the car, I walked towards the front door knocking on it. Judah came to the door almost immediately, opening it.

"You forgot your key?"

I shook my head. "Nah, do you know where Isaiah went? My sister wants to meet him."

"He ain't tell me where he was going. Text him and check, he ain't take his keys so he must be around the way."

"Alright, thanks Ju."

Turning from the door, I walked back towards Giselle. Her eyebrow was already raised up at me like I did something. Which I didn't.

"What now?" I rolled my eyes.

"Who's that?" She asked, pointing to Judah who was still looking out the door. "You ain't say that lady got another nigga in here too."

I shrugged. "That's his brother, Judah. Calm down."

"I'm just saying. Now where is this Isaiah nigga?"

"I don't know..." I trailed off looking at the ground. "We have to go look for him, Judah said he's around here somewhere. I'll text him though."

"Well lets get the walking and you get the texting."

As we started our walk down the street, I pulled out my phone and went to his contact.

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